What are you eating/had to eat

Me beef curry for the fuckin win!!!!!!!!

Can't beat that shiz mofo, everything inclusive!

image: no_worry_beef_curry_tshirt-p235309473493189702t5tr_400

rofl i got 1 too :d
baguettes with garlic butter :) ;d
old scum is old
Some sugar-free Salmiakki, 100g / 100kcal and shitloads of fibre, no need to eat bread anymore
Had karelian pies with cheese (2 mozzarella / emmental, 2 with gouda, 2 with blue cottage-cheese) + 1 litre milk. Then some "italian" salad to lighten it up.
carlsberg + camel's... dont need food
teriyaki chicken wings + pasta
Frikandel !
turkey grilled with different salad and sauces.
mushroom soup, french fries and meatballs + red whine
lol, embarassing. :|
.._______ lol
Try it :), not even hard to cook either :). Plenty of spices and herbs, and any style you want is win also. Chinese, Indian, Japanese or even Thai.
tofu with spinach
some cold rice in a bowl
Turkish pizza
had 2 buns for breakfast
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