what are you doing...

... tonight?

going to dj at an local open-air party together with a friend, we`ll start 00:30 and i have to get up tomorrow at 8:30... bad idea but wtf i`m free off work on monday :)

so, what are ur plans for tonight? going out or just nerding around?

shoutout to all crossies!
going out
all my family are going to my auntie's house for her birthday. fuck yeah.
sounds like fun :DD
same here lol
staying home with my gf, watching movies
LAME!!!!!!!!! hf anyway :P
drinking beer on zeh streetz
image: 200906260829_helft-van-russische-sterfgevallen-veroorzaakt-door-alcohol
celebrating outcome of nfs shift & partY with the crew =)
Few hours of work, then to friends birthday-party. Should get some present for her, I just can´t understand what is it with that, why can´t girls have their birthdays like guys do, just drink and have fun, without any thoughts about presents and stuff. Pfff...
because girls love to get stuff , w/e it is :D they want it , give her orgasm , best present ever
Neeh, not my girl so I shall pass...
;o it's just a gift I didn't say fall in love or anything :D it's just doing something nice ^^
go for 2 more months :{
will start watching bundesliga at 15:30 till 20:30 -.-
going to see a mates band

hf all
Was out on thursday evening, and yesterday as well and I'm going again tonight. BOOB

I had a pretty bad hangover yesterday though.. everything went fine until some friend of mine came up with a double whisky without even any ice in it. fuck that
you dont really care what people are doing, you just wanted to tell everyone what your doing :)
Driving with my Moto and partying ton8
gonna watch district 9 on my 47" TV and cutting edge hifi system
dont have a job either atm, I'm leeching the gouvernment!
which is all gone, since I bought new pc, laptop and had to buy my own schoolbooks and had to pay 2 months rent for my room.
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