CB OC/EC ratings :D

System6 Gaming 9 Wants
#eEriness.eu 9 Wants
STAR* 9 Wants
Team AngelDust 10 Only
TurboApinat 9 Wants
_underscore 10 Wants
Koksy 10 Wants (Aima dummy gnajjjjda numeric ska Templar wssquad) ^^
artline 10 Only
mountainZ 9 Wants
versatile - Gaming 9 Wants

Such a joke!

Knowing the fact that nohead and fostrum are not EC allowed (Homer) makes me think that 'Best players Belgium ever' are not allowed too although I hope to see them in EC.

Wondering which 'strange' actions CB are going to do this season. Will Homer's team get an EC quali or not? And if yes, deserved? :D
Same thing every season, nothing special. Wolfenstein looks interesting too :)
54 registered clans
i didn't even expect it to be 50+ tbh ...
lowest ec ever v2
Lol, who still gives a shit about the EC? The teams who really deserve to play EC aren't active anyway so who cares about who gets to play or not :P
gnajda unbanned? wasnt he banned for 120 months?
gnajda can't be banned because of IP match rule
aight, but now he got a different IP and is thus a different person.
whine more about fostrum and nohead

and i think that koksy trash won't be allowed to play
Where do you see me whine tard? It's just a fact to make a statement of the signup of the belgian team
rage more and go play with tetsuo
ye that's the only thing you can say after knowing that you are dumb
whatever, go play with your shit teammates
stop it. just stop, please. you're getting owned so badly its not even funny.
so stupid that you don't even know the code :-)
i was keeping it simple for you :)
keeping it simple by showing me words instead of a picture? a picture is worth a thousand words you fool :D
you wouldnt have understood the insult if i would have shown you your stupid3rdworldcountry's flag. =)
you are failing
YYT will win it, who cares about the other teams
Too many kids putting 9/10 when they probably couldn't even win vs a mix team of highskillers, let alone the "EC Winner- rating 10"
lol @ artline
Why wouldn't nohead and fostrum play if they want too? They didn't cheat did they?
Quote by Homerfostrum nC customer and nohead is cheating too
Basically he just doesn't like you and your players xD

What a cunt
was good decision by him tbh
tbh nothing against you except your whining about wnb's and cheaters and blabla but fostrum is playing good already since 2005? maybe earlier even he just had some big breaks but came back every time. And then you who is playing etpro for not even a year is whining about someone who is actually good without any extra programm. About nohead you can doubt ye since he isn't playing that long either like you but I don't believe nohead is cheating just kinda rambo so he makes some nice damage
he's plaiyng ET for pretty long tbh :D
on 2.55 :p that doesn't count!
he played with reVeal in OC premier about 2-3 years ago. dunno what he did before
2 years ago :>

e: or dno actually, but i did play before it on patched as well
must be smth close to 3 years actually :p
Member For: 1 year, 10 months and 13 days + 6months because of cf crash and that should be the period :-)
where did you come from then?
fostrum was busted before for the record and i dont see what you mean by me not playing etpro more than a year since it's not true and it has no connection with this conversation anyway

no offense but don't defend people you don't know well enough
since I know fostrum since 2005 I guess I know him quite good. And it has some kind of connection. But fostrum has been busted with some detected public cheat like 90% of the players here. I can name enough players that are playing on a high level that has been busted with public cheat or even with a privat bot. Ensam mind vanq (privat bot) and there's almost no whine about.
you don't know him well enough then :P
i know what i saw in the games vs him together with the people i played with :-)
what? that he can aim good?

If you think he got wallhack or humanized make an avi or give me a demo of him were you see him obviously cheating and send it to me or killerboy and we can maybe ban him for it but probably you won't give anything since im 99% sure that he doesn't use anything
listen dude, i dont care about the guy so i dont care about busting anyone and i dont think its possible anyway, get it? we all know what we saw and i know that he plays with cheaters(including tetsuo because of whom he got banned from 6on6.et) that's enough for me
you seem to care 'dude'. Anyway i'm having a football game now cya. Hf with caring:P
whatever, you don't get it :DD
it's just a childish act by homer, there's no proof it's just some sort of vendetta between homer and aclmx

I pity the fool who thinks it's cool to have internetpowers and abuse them :(
well dno about nohead but not allowing fostrum was definitely a GOOD IDEA
You sir, are a sad egoistic cunt with too much ego and not enough brain looking back to your comments here.
I know about fostrum, and that he's playing clean atm.
Same thing applies for NoHead, so please stop talking crap if you don't know the people well enough. Not allowing In7 to EC, or even oc, has nothing to do with cheating, just the crap that homer has his hate against In7 in that period. After all, In7 > System6 so they did deserve the EC quali.

Abusing adminrights in a cup to exclude teams with players you hate, wp...
well i don't know the whole story, but afaik it's more about someone from team in7 faking logs and fucked themselves up
That was bullshit, it's just a move of Homer to disallow us. Btw we didn't fake logs , he edited his logs and ofcz stupid donex defends his admin.
But who cares anyway, it's over :) Homer is a kid and a shame for CB
homer is doing fine tbh so stop whining about your teammates
Stop replying me , really :D
stop talking bullshit about people which are doing good things for ET

danke now, don't reply
nooooooo suVi you are wrong about homer :]
Stop being a moron , really :D
imo numeric plays in blurred vision aka EConly.
"numeric aka templar"

lol i read on his post aka not ska :XD and was suprised also so wroted it in ""
Team Intolerance ET-team 9 Wants
System6 Gaming 9 Wants

don't even see that team in the signuplist
Not hard if you removed it, but when you signed you did it with "9 Wants"
Hopefully EDiT.Steelseries will be allowed to play.
we missed the belgian whine :(
been waiting for your reply :D
vila is just awesome in irc matchchannels.
whine->ragequit->dl bot->???
ye xD

still have that screenshot? :D
would be far more interesting than seeing some random med+ getting raped in the groupstage
artline 10 Only

searchin for a team, pm me
Niet de rollen omdraaien vriend, jullie hadden eerst ingeschreven met een 9. Doei
edit: Praat nog eens tegen me als een speler van het niveau Karnaj bij jullie wilt joinen
karnaj is slecht
mountainz lulz :DDDDD
I'm only laughing :( but gl in EC!
artline with 10 and EC only beats all egoboys you listed :D
and I forgot a lot probably ;p
should they rate themselves to 4 and never get to the ec?
last 3 teams we beat in summercup including you gave themself 9 , 9 and 10

but we stick cool!
omg please, wtf at some teams rating themselves this high. You'll only get humiliated if you do
get 1st league just realize that.
QuoteIf your clan does not have at least 3 players which played in EuroCup ( at least groupstage), you cannot rate yourself as 10. If you do so, your team will be excluded from Fall 2009 season.
you better wrote: 9 or 10
anyway we won't use that ratings much, better check every clans matches they played, some of those teams dont even deserve OC 5th division like mountainZ, they even have 2 busted cheaters and i'm this close to removing them.

also 2 cless topics a day to show their stablility: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=24998
as i said in prev post

this teams r hilarious

ET gonna die anytime now, its fuckin bullshit
QuoteKnowing the fact that nohead and fostrum are not EC allowed (Homer)

I told you Flashy :) Homer is a monkey in the circus known as Clowbase.

anywayz: Underscore - 10
It's quite obvious they are not clean players
but vila, kevin and lio are clean :D?
Can't say for sure , but they are able to play decent without hacks
haha fo sho.
decent, lol, understatement much.
putting glitz and co in direct invite sure shows ur knowledge.
"and co" who do u mean with that?

glitz, well, practically all teams in my "for sure" list could get a direct invite cos skilldifference between em is minimal. But seeing as glitz have chmpp, choice was easy.

don't see how that's relevant at all though, when you are making a big understatement about one of the better teams of 2007/2008.
If you play vs fostrum / nohead and you play vs thouse belgium guys, you'd see there's huge difference how they play , one of them will just shoot 80hs's per map , other will not only shoot but play decent aswell and won't shoot 'somehow' 80 hs's, that's my point
my point was that your "decent" is an understatement. I would've gone for "good".

anyway, w/e, it was a lol and not a serious comment.
They ARE now.
Don't be an idiot.
Too many here it is, I dont try.
quite obvious that you are stupid.
underscore and artline would be a fucking joke in this ec, would like to see koksy playing tho (gl wcsquad!), maybe if they replace gnajda with someone else
Easy for FinlandKRP
Team AngelDust 10 Only

best joke ever
Team AngelDust 10 Only + artline 10 Only =

whats wrong about having neophyte in ec quali ?
bb aD + artline :D
can I take back my application and rate 15 if eeriness and mouintainz gave themselves 9?
if neophyte gives themselfs 9 , you can just rate 10 , mamut could 15 and so
don't know what neophyte is, but if eeriness rated 9, I should have 15
neophyte = eEriness , with slightly changed lu , and i dont get why you think you are so better then us
don't know, probably because I played 3 times vs your clan and every time it was absolute rapeage :<
didnt play vs you last months except that offi in esl (dont remember if you were playing)
yes, I think one offi we played in etmasters, can't remember, there were 1 or 2 praccs we played, I concluded from that

true that we haven't played in months but I seriously doubt you could've improved SO much
in etmasters we couldnt play against , true we played like 2 praccs , months ago , but since then lu has changed a lot (3 players ) , and i doubt there was such a skill difference in that 3v3 offi we played month and half ago as you are talking about
what 3on3 offi? can't remember, if it was esl then it most probably wasn't serious

I'm talking about 6on6s that we played
you forgot e0h with rating 8 :x such faggots...
Koksy 10 Wants (Aima dummy gnajjjjda numeric ska Templar wssquad) ^^ wtf is this lol
a team full of cheaters? :D
thats so silly , why are they even allowed to play lol

Templar : obivously still cheating /been busted
Gnajda : Has been chronically cheating for ages / busted many times unlikely to change now

and since the others are most likely polaks it's hard to imagine the rest of them are clean lol
i don't think they'll get accepted :P would be a big shame if they did, and im pretty sure that at least 80 percent is cheating
they will be allowed to play in OC like vila and his cheating nerds in EC.
I won few times already vs your bounch of low+ players from und(n)er(d)score and other shit like RCW so gtfo mr. "seeking clan all the time" because nobody wants you.
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