win7 vs. xp in et

I just installed Windows 7 and all the drivers. I was curious how win7 would perform in ET in comparison with xp so I did a test. I used a very old oasis timedemo someone posted on crossfire 3-4 years ago and the results are:

win xp: 110 fps
win 7: 80 fps

I tried running in compability mode, turning off aero, indexing etc. but the results stay the same. Also other games like q3 or wsw run slower.

Did anybody else did some tests? To me it seems that that Win 7 is a repacked Vista. Can anybody post some timedemo results?
Windows 7 has more process running. How many ram?
Some extra ram would be nice. Plus, don't forget to tweak your gfcard as much as possible, and driver's ain't optimized yet...
i thought all <5y.o PCs can handle stable 125 fps
I have a Pentium 4 3.06GHz processor :P
even on on sw_gold when the tank hits the bridge?
windows 7 ultimate 64bits, 7Gb ram, 333fps stable @ ETTV server + Trickjump server, 125fps stable in others server
that amount of RAM surely made the difference.
feels better for me, on win7, but u def need more ram. btw. i get kicked on for windows api and on other servers it works normally...also, it sometimes needs more time to switch to "awaiting gamestate" from that gray screenm,dunno why
Your RAM is a failure.

Upgrade to 2gb and show those results.
Just run services.msc and disable all those useless services.
That alone should clear a lot of RAM.
havent tryed ET yet.. but on wolf i get more fps with win7

all in all i love win7 <3
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