Crossfire help!

This mornings journal

This morning my computer just died, simply everything went dark.
I've had the day to think about it and now i'm back home have had a little fiddle and a clean.

My only question to you is...

If my PSU is dead (i.e. when I turn it on nothing happens inside the compujter)

Will it still light up my external harddrive?

image: 005je

My main issue is cash, I cant afford to replace the motherboard if that's what has gone (but the computer is about 8 months old) and indeed if the motherboard is gone howcome it's providing power through the USB?

So answer me this crossfire...

PSU or Motherboard?

image: 001of

It seems like your computer is broken.
overclocked? => Busted northbrighe
not oc'ed? and cheap mobo => prolly just broken
not oc'ed? and expensive mobo => other issue
all 3 wrong
PSU fo sho
just read my comment in your previous journal.
so YES a current can be provided to my ext HDD but not power my computer sufficiantly?
yes, bring it to warranty service
try another psu!
8months, so you have can bring it back to the shop, aye?
lost my receipt
faulty mobo i recon, since the pc is obviously getting power
I didnt ask you Azi ;P stop making me feel sad
u can pick up a half decent mobo for not too much money now anyway
oooh, cute GFX card :>
did you get it from a local shop?
bout 5 miles away but yeah i'd say it;s local :)
couldn't you take it there and be like, "look my pc's fucked i dont have the recipt but could you just tell me what's wrong, so i can buy the new part"

i doubt they'd say no
It looks like PSU is damaged. Borrow one from your friend and replace it to see if its really broken.
im no expert but sounds similar to what happened to me before.

For me I had to buy a new PSU - if you dont want to buy a new one try unplugging some of the drives you have connected maybe its got only enough life in it to power 1 HDD and the gfx card :<
i see the problem. youve not plugged it in.....
har fuckin har
like i said it in your previous journal, is the light on your motherboard on?
doesnt have 1
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