
I was wondering what programs do I need to make a map :) I found the tutorial but its kinda outdated I guess (8th July 2008). I have a lot of free time to waste on some pointless activity so I thought I'll contribute my mapmaking talent to this fucked up community. That's why I'd appreciate if any mapmaker (or anybody who knows something about it) can walk me through the process etc :) Just random hints, I'll get the rest on my own (sooner or later xd).

EDIT: Links people, links ;)
cool idea
gtk1.4, that's it
The very basic tools are gtkradiant, q3map2 and some random gfx app...

Id recommend to install both, the 1.4 and 1.5 of gtk... 1.5 is complely rewritten in another coding language and thus doesnt include lots of features and plugins which are included in 1.4.x...


Also, EasyGen for creating terrains:

This should be enough at first to get used to all the shizzle... just google for some tutorials on how to set radiant+et up (!!!!) because this is already the first thing that can go wrong and fuck everything up.
and thats what im talking about!

thanks a lot :)
mapmaking talent? You havent even started yet?! :P
i believe in myself :)
you will find a lot of help over at

Post in the Enemy Territory section for any map questions. + Theres lots of tutorials. :)
2k8, not outdated at all
there didnt happen anything since 2008 so well its not outdated :D

#et.mapping if your struggling maybe
90% you will fail. Alot of people underestimate it.
I guess i am the 10% then because id like to make maps but i am afraid of complexity...
Been without fresh water lately? :D
uhuh, it stopped right in the middle of my shower :<<<
lets rather play cod4 in your freetime ._.
do a barrel roll
krein will fail anyway
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