The Swayz!

I'm sorry, I just had to post this;

Quote by SickipediaKanye West is gonna interrupt his funeral...

''Yo, Patrick Swayze, I know you just died and all, and I'm gonna let you finish... But Michael Jackson's Death was the best one this year''.

Brilliant :)
-__- nigger, kanye west is a jackass! fo
I love Kanye West but that was just stupid, he just does it for the publicity.
go crawl back to your hole
haha i lold
i like how the nigga looks .... remove leather shirt and sunglasses and he fits perfectly in the jungle.
Kayne West makes Jesse Jackson wanna join the Klan.
nigger west is the worst homo in music biz atm.
west, t-pain and all this hip hop douchebags...

Patrick Swayze - watching Dirty Dancing now :o(!
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