QPAD comes up with...

their first gaming mouse! Yes it's true, the 5K™ is there...

QPAD ®|5K™ features a powerful navigation engine, adapted for high performance laser navigation. It has been specifically designed for high-end professional gamers, and enables extremely high-speed motion detection and high resolution to provide precise tracking capabilities which are required for many of today's most popular gaming applications. QPAD®|5K™'s new laser sensor is ideal for gamers who require precise high-speed tracking on a variety of different surfaces.

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image: img4ab0bbb83e348

Mouse software:

image: img4ab0bbdcc4f95

image: img4ab0bbd04fe22

QPAD®|5K™ Specifications:
Sensor:.................................Laser Gaming Grade
Resolution:............................90 - 5040 CPI (Counts per inch)
Max Acceleration: ...................30 G
Max Speed: ..........................150 inches per second | 3,8m/sec
Image processing:...................10.8 MPS (Mega Pixels per second)
USB polling rate:.....................1000 HZ (reports per second)
USB Data path:.......................16 bits / axis
Buttons:...............................7 (Programmable 5)
Sensing pixels: .......................30x30 pixels
Sampling rate: .......................12.000 FPS (Frames per second)
Cable: .................................Braided cable 2 meter.
USB plug: .............................Gold plated
USB Response time: .................1ms
Warranty: .............................2 years

The recommended price for the QPAD ®|5K™ is 59.92 EURO + VAT, but already now you can pre-order from selected QPAD resellers for an attractive introduction price.

*We may produce the optical version too later, but that's something for the future...*

-Hit me for more-
sounds good
Will buy it when my roccat crashes (Zerender told me in a journal, that it will soon [that was like 5months ago])
another right handed only mouse cool.
stop checking me out.
no youtube at work... but lemme guess... ENEEEEEEMY?
looks like ikari with avago 9500 laser sensor, pretty interesting since it's shape is prolly the best for lowsensers, however im still waiting for Steelseries Xai

btw show the "Move" options plox
Why on the Xai and not on the Kinzu, if I may ask? Just because of the sidebuttons, or are there other features that are worth another 35€ for it :P?
dunno yet, but tbh im kinda addicted to sidebuttons + kinzu looks way too small fingergrip only
depends on how much money i will have and which shape would feel better for me when they both appear in russia =o/
I'm pretty sure they are the same size and on some pic the size was somewhat between a WMO and an IMO.

Gotta wait till they are out anyway, supposed to be out in August, now it's mid Septembre and it still says 2-4 weeks on their page :P
kinzu is less than both imo&wmo, xai is bigger(haven't seen any comparising photo though yet)
image: SA350014
Oh, I guess the Kinzu might be too small for me then. Hope the Xai laser isn't shit then :[
looks promising
Hey Anil :)
kikoo Bo :o)
how to do any precise aiming with such a gigantic monster of a mouse :D
oh nvm it has 5k dpi and 12.000 FPS best mouse ever!
laser -_-
this sensor is better than any optical one
does it work with all types of mousepads?
yes of course
That looks quite.. eh.. huge o_O.
the box' size is 250 x 200 x 60 mm (however I haven't received the mouse yet, don't know how large it actually is.. will mention it if I know)
Looks like cp from some SteelSerieS mouse
looks shitty
hope it's not heavy, I like the shape of it tho
sick gonna get this mouse to improve my a-game shooting in wolf.

fk yeah. gonna pre-order now (hopefully it is avi in Aus!)
Nice menu.
it has big feet, insta fail :s

anyway lift distance is a good idea
is looking good
great product !
looks like shit. still havent found a better mouse than my oldschool microsoft mouse
it won't help u atarax !!
haha :D but will it help you, ex-pownie? :P
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