Camfly with cl_avidemo ?

Hei guys,
I've got a Problem with recording a camfly if i take /cl_avidemo 100
I render it @ Virtualdub with the Settings for 100 FPS.
I put it into Sony Vegas and wanna watch it but its very Sucky Qualli and its very Fast ?!
Can anyone help me without Flame ? :D

Rand0m Video

image: megan-fox-panties

There is a tab in camtrace, dunno what its called but check out.
There should be a tab with timescale(cl_avidemo) in it. Put there number to 100 and save the script again
100 sux
you're doing it wrong
account number 999 :P
Set cl_avidemo to 100 from curve tab in Camtrace.
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