PSP go!

image: 342217ps_500h

what do you think about it? mixed feelings tbh.

i like it that you can buy stuff online kwik!
but the battery seems to be shitty if its only capable of 4-5 hours tho!
too low said mayze
looks like eric cartman tbfh.
Netherlandsnedgames won't sell it because you can only download games and for them it sucks if they can only sell a console but no games. if other shops do the same thing it will fail hard.
true, i can get the games i want from psn tho!
i see what u did thar
psp 3000 or psp g0?!?
I dunno anything about pspzzz man

heb nintend00s ds
don't like the design + I like to have games in nice boxes on UMD
i am doubting between the 3000 and the go :(
Go has smaller screen but the most important things are buttons, try 3000 and Go and decide which one fits you best
what about the lines at the 3000, from what i saw its really destroying the quality
You can notice it only when the game is really fast, but if you really can't stand this 'thing' think about 2000 or wait for Go reviews. Anyway, this is the only one bad thing about this screen - it has better contrast and colors.
i think it would annoy me :(,

ill take the go if it is less then 250,
if its not ill go for the 2000 since that one has no problems and is stable + it are the same specs as the others
better wait for Go user's reviews if they've fixed it and haven't screwed up something else, otherwise go for 2000, it's still more popular than 3000 because of two things xD
the screen and ?
Hardware mod. I don't really care about that as I'm buying games for my console, but some people choose 2000 only because of the possibility to mod your psp forever. ;P
ah, i am confused what to buy now.. psp go sounds nice and oke to take with me cause of the size.. but the price is scaring me :(
So buy 2000, btw modding a console gives you a possibility to run like 99% of psx games, not only those converted by sony. Have you tried 3000 and you are sure the screen is annoying you?
i didnt try it, ill try to test it at the store tomorrow!
i sold mine simply because it was shit and a watse of money!
you cant even have one yet
my old one you tit!
Gran Turismo, Assassins Creed and Chinatown Wars incoming!
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