Looking Forward to...

What games are you looking forward to? For me, I'm anxiously waiting for Dragon Age: Origins! As far as I've heard/read it's gonna be the most detailed and immense RPG there is! Didn't expect anything less from Bioware as well though :P


Sc2 and Diablo3 !
this man has a good taste :)
Diablo III +1337
Diablo III, No More Heroes II.

EDIT: The new PES and/or FIFA ofcourse!
Come on, Dragon Age is going to be such a better RPG then Diablo :P
Dunno, I didn't enjoy Oblivion and Fallout that much either so far, Diablo 3 is a safe choice :P

I know I will love it!
Those are from Bethesda Software, so Dragon Age is also a safe choice!
Diablo is no real RPG. You can't compare the two games. Personally I'm looking forward to both Diablo and Dragon Age. I really liked KOTOR and NWN and that gameplay and depth combined with violence will be pure awesome!
jeah dragon age will be nice (at least i hope so) besides that final fantasy 13 in all versions ^^
Diablo 3. and Quakelive 1.0 :)
as all of the others - DIABLO III

brb d2 playin.
The party this night
Diablo 3 + BRINK
mafia 2
Bioshock 2, Starcraft 2, Modern Warfare 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Tekken 6, ....
Wolfenstein DLC
modern warfare 2, bioshock 2, halo odst, fifa 10, ...
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