windows 7!!

hi im on windows 7 atm :D feels great
how do i check the version of drivers i got? if i got the latest drivers?
hi im on windows xp atm :D feels great
hi im on windows vista atm :D its shit
hi im on windows vista atm :D feels great
hi im on windows vista atm :D feels great
fuck you all
hi im on windows xp atm :D feels great
hi im on 9600GT atm :D feels great
hi im on windows xp atm :D feels great
hi im on windows xp atm :D feels great
hi im on windows vista atm :D feels great
xp rox but old, vista suck, 7 rox and new, end of the history.
no, you suck, with your ignorance :)
hi im on windows xp atm :D bestest
hi im on windows95 atm :D feels great
hi im on your journal atm :D feels great
Using it now. It's good :)
how do i know if im on the latest drivers for motherboard/gfx?
Check the manufacturer's site for Win7 drivers
and u dont need to dl drivers for the gfx, right? its installed right away
hi iam on drugs atm :D feels great
Always funny to read all those comments about how great Windows 7 is. Can you please specify exacly what's so great about it? And what's more important, can you please specify what things make is so great compared to Windows XP?

Don't get me wrong- I'm not saying Win7 is a bad system. But please, point out one argument why would it be sensible to buy Win7 when you already have WinXP. Aero? Please...
fast, reliable and a super GUI that lets you work very fast
They took the best bits of Windows XP and the best bits of Windows Vista and combined it into Windows 7 - that's why it's great
there is no huge wtf differences between xp and W7, but its faster, more up to date, more options, better performance
it's much more, that yea, sure, doesnt worth wasting ~300e for such upgrade, but some may want to have different experience
hi im on sabayon linux, feels great to pwn you all with undetected open source stuff ;)
Im on windows 3.11 atm :D feels great
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