ec flame
20 Sep 2009, 22:23
It comes to a point where you see countless amounts of whine about ec invites and qualis. Most ppl will just say that im sticking up for homer because we got a direct invite but thats not the case. There is arguably 1 clan that maybe didnt deserve an ec quali but then again based on the cb system u could argue that they did deserve a quali. Anyway, probabaly 1 of the better ec invites i have seen, unless the rest of u would prefer donex to do the invites. The new system seems rather fair and it seems like there are going to be a few decent teams around, alot better than the old days where country/region played the same country/region. Plus the fact that its the 1st time a cb admin has actually discussed map pools with the players that are relevant and let votes decide the map choices - even though i wasnt allowed cathedral !!! Also to those that have a direct invite and a quali best of luck ! Whine off !
homer you did a good job
care about the stupid flamers..
but that's a different topic.
We're considering OC with 7 maps anyway.
still one hell of a quote, but then again, you were drunk
Trixor is retard
But what everybody seems to forget is.. that Homer MUST pick the teams, there will always
be clans who are unsatisfied or sad because they didn't get an invite.
Prove that you are EC-worthy by winning OC premier, or playing good atleast.
Gl to all the clans :o)
But you have to admit that chosing s6 (no offence to these guys & prove you're worth it!) almost looks like 'friends-politics'. I'm not saying that it is, but it sure looks that way.
I just hope that you can prove to the flamers the Homer didn't make a mistake.
Good Job on the invites, they are decent!
E: Twats are use full.
lol hazer^^
System6 quali doesn't make sense either.
*clicks fingers and walks away as I flick my hair*