Will trade for Wolfenstein key...

Well I'm not sure if new Wolfenstein gonna be a kickass game even if developers will release SDK and patch. I have mixed feelings about this game. I just want to check the game how it plays on Wolfpro etc. if it got actually any potential.
That's why I don't want to spend my hard earned money for this game and I'm willing to trade some keys fof my old games. The keys I may trade are for games:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Quake 4
Doom 3
Diablo 2 + Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction
Warcraft 3

So if somebody wanna trade pm me on Crossfire or just on IRC #crossfire @ qnet nick: Riotta
Please don't write here stupid comments :P or troll if you are not interested just move along.
lol fail gtfo wolf sucks bibuy kthx
<- Need a wolfenstein key too

can give cod2 + etqw

or gief me free and i'll give you "Get out of jail free" card
"Get out of jail free" card sounds good.
dont alwayz change ur name killerboy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
50 euro XD
cracked servers = win
Any cracked servers for wolfenstein atm?
Got a list on my windows hdd but I'm on linux atm :Y
5-6 that are constantly full
so more people on the cracked servers than on the non-cracked servers? :D
well it would seem logical, the game is shit, why pay?
If it's so bad, why play? :P
no cod4 no wolf
I have cod4 key if you want to trade.
i got 3 untill now :P
Pick me for special treatment!
ill give u quake 4 key

can also give some other guy this key for one wolf key!
trading my wolf key for 5000 wow gold on destromath EU horde!
/quit while you are behind
:DDDD still nerding? <3
i'd like to try wolf also. can give rtcw key
cod 4 key??
Will trade for common sense
add 1.6 and we got a deal
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