yay swineflu...

so my brother had it and now i have it -____-

anyone here who had it got some tips or things to make it less bad ?:P like drinking something?
je kan geen beren drinken egte mongool jij
maar beren kunnen wel broodjes smeren, en hoe zit dat dan
wel dat zong mijn moeder altijd voordat ik slapen ging
"ik zag twee beren broodjes smeren oo het was een wonder"
en ik kan je 1 ding vertellen mij moeder liegt nooit tegen mij
ppl are afraid of it becuz there is no cure for pig flu i think
now you can stay home and play more ET, gratz
seflbust ongeveer want alleen wonderen doen uhh dingen die onmogelijk zijn ofzo jweet
I dont really followed how dangerous is it but is it possible you gonna die soon ?
it's just a normal flu. but well, when you dont do anything against it (like a normal flu) you could die on it.
dunno either i just feel like crap and i got 9/10 symptoms
Fairly certain more people died of normal flu than swine flu. Although this may be a complete lie.
Well yes, but there dying percentage is higher on swine flu.

I has just the normal one atm :(
me too and i have it for a 1,5 week now ;(
Just kill yourself before it spreads
Lol, atm there are more people dying of Q fever. But you don't hear a lot about that.
Where? Besides, it doesn´t move from people to people, so it isn´t comparable.
So because it's not transmitable between humans it's less worthy of news?
Yes. And where on earth do you live if people are really dying for that?
The Netherlands?
Beterschap :D
Drink vodka. Always helps us, Poles.
Drink alot of water.
tits & vodka
make some love and stay all day at bed
Rust, water & warmte. Enjoy
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