a few things..

Hi all! I need your help again :D (Yeah my journals are only about computer problems)

First of all: I did a few edits in my config. I read more then 1 time at crossfire that r_mode -1 is better to play with. So I edited it to -1 and changed the customheight and width to my resolution. (1440*900). But that lowered my fps so I changed my windowsresolution and the ET resolution to 1280*960. But since that changes my ET runs really "shocky".. So what is the best thing to do with those gfx settings? And the displayrefresh? On what I have to put this?

Atm I am using an tft screen from 2 years old. Is it better to use on cft screen from 6 years old? I mean, will games run "smoother" then with a tft?

And then my last question =D: Since 2 or 3 days my internet goes offline every 5 to 10 minutes. It takes only about 30 seconds and then it is online again.. Does anyone know how to fix this? Resetted my router already a few times. (have wired connection)

Thanks a lot for paying attention to this journal! Free cookies for the one who can help me

edit: The other computer that is connected to the router works fine.. internet is stable there..

edit2: I used avast trial version for antivirus.. now i worked about 2 weeks without it because it has been expired. I installed AVG and did a scan, he found some things and i deleted it. But when i am surfing on firefox sometimes it automaticly opens a new window with antivirus banners or smth..
Comp specs?

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000+ Dual Core
MotherBoard: not specified
HD: Western 250 GB
Monitor: Acer AL1916W
Keyboard: Acer Keyboard
Mouse: Logitech mx518
Mousepad: Qpad CT
Sound: Realtek High Definition Audio
Graphics: Nvidea Geforce 8300GS
Memory: Kingston 2048 MB
O/S: Windoos Vista
Headset: Encore Audio
Connection: Cable
R_mode 3 and you're a winner.
I normally get 125 fps stable at most maps :/ ..
**CRT > TFT (refreshrate is everything)
**Use R_mode 4 and strech
avira free version is best anti vir
Just use r_mode 4 doesn't matter if u got widescreen. It takes time to get used to, but it's still best. It's smoothest anyway.
CRT is always better than tft providing that your CRT can make 85+ Hz.
The last one sounds like a provider problem. Or maybe the cables in your house can't hold the connection speed u got, and they should set it a bit lower to make it stable. I had that at least.
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