
After spending most of the night ( and morning ) doing terrain for my map which I been workin on for bout 3 months and definately feeling as if this one will get finished xD

here's a teaser, it will be here in the near future :)

image: shot0001hl

looking good :O!
use more textures so it looks less boring
ye thanks for your advice
fuck the textures just make good fair gameplay
looks really good.
well done
the tree in the city looks a bit weird :/
Thats probably because the map is not about polish city.
Rename before it's released.
looks pretty cool, would be cooler with brighter textures etc ;p
we need cow in there, so you can rename it as cowdorf so we can call it best map ever so i can shoot a cow
lol theres an aulendorf - about 20 kilometers from where im living 8D
same from where i used to live in germany x)
BW ?
rename it to Aulenbach pls!
1. cause aulendorf sounds too much like braundorf
2. I knew this old ugly annoying lady who was called aulenbach :D
i just googled, there ar both Aulenbach and Aulendorf in Germany
r u living in RLP? :)
nope, Saarland :p
man this name is so... german:S
looks nice! :)
Good stuff man
looks nice!
Hey h20, is this the same one we were running around on a couple months ago?
if that one has rain and stuff no :D Imo h20 has about 3-4 pretty well looking maps in development but lacks in the staying power to finish and release them :D
hehe I know. He had a map that involved an airstrip couple years ago that I helped him testing a (small) bit. All his maps have potential indeed, but he lacks discipline to finish them :)

What he should do is simply do beta-releases and get feedback. Good feedback is a great motivator to keep working on it, which I'm sure you have experienced as well.
finish a map ya big waster! :DD looks naice! Good job m8!
cheers m8, you're wolfing it up i hear? how's that going lol?
Aye we are doing well, the scene aint to great tho, so we are playing more and more ET 6o6/5o5 :DD im playing rifle Hrhr! Only in our spare time tho! How you been doing?

ooooo you touch my ta la la!
ooooh my ding ding dong? xD

i'm doing well, missus had a baby excactly a month ago today :) erm.... there's a pic somewhere in my profile :P
yeah it is m8, the very same :) i'll have some private beta games swn :) maybe u should come along DJ Ronner xD
#et.mapping for private tests :D
what about fps ? is it like fueldump about rendering ?
good stuff!
looks awesome mate <3
if its too big and u have to run 1 min to get to the obj,like on missle,it will fail
been there, done that
Looks pretty cool, inside reminds a bit of village :)
looks nice!
nice nice & nice :)
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