Trying to find a book

I'm looking for a book but I cannot remember it's name.

Basically it is a story about two brothers or friends, cannot recall... One looks after his "retarded" brother who does not know his own strength and ends up holding things too tight and killing them, which leads him to carry around a dead mouse or rat.

That's about as much as I can remember.
Of Mice And Men?
Thank you, I love you.
Honestly didn't expect anyone else to know it here, looking for the movie as well as the book, seem to remember enjoying the story.
Yeah I read it for school like a couple of years ago so it rang a bell.
Yeah same but it just came back to mind for some reason, got the movie on and watching it now anyway, great story.
of mice and men is very famous...great book
I never said it wasn't, just said I didn't expect many people on this site to know of it.
In other words...most ET players are unsophisticated proletariats?
no, but the majority of crossfire acts like it.
Most likely, even if they try tell you they aren't.
Read the book and watched the movie.
Sad story.
im sure you have to study that book in year 10 :|
You do, it's kind of where I remembered it from.
Aye that's the one, will get the book sometime and well, got the movie already ^_^
who reads book these days
People, best way to describe it was by saying it was a book anyway, seeing as I doubt as many people have heard of the movie, not sure though.
who is on crossfire at 5.26 GMT
You've used up all your questions, sorry.
perfo's brother?
oh man, the wit!!
have you looked under your bed?
I think I've seen the movie
we did othello & 1984 when most people did this apparently

might read it though, is it actually good?
Yeah it's a great book. Plus its only a little over a hundred pages if I recall and it's so well written and smooth to read it's a good 2 hours well spent.
Yeah it's a very good book, the movie is good too, worth the time anyway.
of mice and men, seen the old movie too :) very emotional
Great book!

The movie is good too. I saw a theatre production too with Matthew Kelly as Lennie :p was quite good actually
Twins or something
isn't it with schwarzenegger ? :D
I remembered the story, just not the books name, did you not read it correctly?
Holy shit coming from you? That is rich.

However I won't continue an argument with you cause even from a couple of replies I can feel my IQ getting lower.
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