blurred vision

ok i am watching last nights game v's the belgians...if numeric isnt cheating then im fucking stupid ..out aiming maus...yea i see a few more obvious in thier LU...pls sort this out coz i can see another FF scenario happening here..pathetic EDIT
numeric is known cheater
and he is beating real highskill players in ec get my point? lol
i got your point.
its quite old that he's been cheating - no clue why they even got an EC qualy
EDIT1 : Nothing special on supply.
EDIT2: Two strange actions on grush. But, he could have got the info through vent.

Conclusion: I just saw a good fdops and an almost good panzer player(Winghaven>all). I strongly believe that they won this match because they had a good teamplay.;)
Maybe Im the stupid one but I dont think he was hacking, he wasnt out aiming mAus either. He was a very very strong fops
did u actually check dmg n shit after?...i played v's this guy no more than 3 weeks ago and he was no where near this skill..think b4 u speak fella
I did check the damage, he was fops/panzer
so big dmg is a cheat mmm
no u fucking idiot did u even spec him?..hes a fucking random polish hacker and ur a nerd...go suck a dick or smth
haha ok big guy
hayaaaaaaaa look at the demos he was obviously wallhacking and wallscanning the whole match... same with wssquad and fragstealer
dont think fragstealer cheats
isn't allowed to cheat in ET? Is it?
seems that way lol
lol, belgians played so shit that even system6 would beat them, it was not the "fault" of bv playing that good, rather bpbeh let them farm themselves hard
it doesn't change the fact that numeric is cheating+ wsssquad is damn supicious and u can't deny that .
(and yes playing well in polish lan without ettv vs low/med teams doesn't prove anything)
Yo belgians IMMA LET YOU FINISH but last night poland has got better cheaters!

image: kanye_west_anyway_lyrics
actually i can deny that and it does prove something
dunno @ numeric, dont care at all, but wss is clear for 100%
klejf = good <3

rest are obvious
xcuse me? :<
actually ive seen him playing on lan + played with him quite a lot online so i know what im talking about :(

and im not FinlandGood !
nummeric : NoHead if you dont cheat your really good
mby stop with the silly quotes?
They're not silly but totally retarded.
i can do whatever i want .
never judge a book by its cover =o
just watched the demo .... have to say that there are alot strange moments ... most suspicious one ... sd2 defense ... when he is near the cave exist crouching behind the stone ... he is trackin some1 who is running upwards ... crosshair is following in a perfect speed untill the enemy is behind the mountain textures .. the mousespeed is increasin in a strange way ... looked like he was suprised that the autoaim stopped but also i could be totaly wrong , dunno

anyways who gives a fuck , et is dead.
Needs ... more ...

... iam too used to "... "i srsly hv no clue why iam doin this ... only on xfire tough...
with that play the belgians don't deserve to be in EC
half of those polaks dont deserve it either...
Maybe the want to do the same as overload did.
Maybe they want to do the same as they did. :DDDDDD
belgians were much better in general but they only played for frags and xp as it seemed.
I hope u do it also
i do. but my team usually isnt xP
you didnt spec lio I c
from what ive seen they had fulls so many times cuz they tried to go for big frags which was kinda stupid since it was in critical situations.
true dat ,most of them did that, lio did some nice things for obj though

uhuhu more journals fukin retards

everyone loves nubmeric
omg not this shit again! first see first shoot first win the fire fight, unless the gay you shoot is a lagger (FI, PL, BE , FR ect).
belgiums just failed to gib:s
lol i just found out they lost now.epic
Not hard to out aim mAus, just ask robbi ;-)
If it had not been vs Polaks noone would of be saying cheats! RACISTS!
loved poles teamplay
BelgiumBelgians just played shit, lack of teamplay, lack of obj play
numeric was mainly awesome as a fieldops (and panzer) yesterday and if you play 3on3s you know that he got a great aim. suspicous? maybe. but he played like this for quite a while and seeing his fop-actions tells you that it's not aim-only.
anyways, it was excpected that such a whine would be incoming after "random polaks" won this game. just because you don't know them doesn't make them random, guess why several people saw this result incoming plus the belgians having been inactive for so long.

"a few more obvious in thier LU"
who else? wssquad and? i can't think of anyone else besides those 2 who is even suspicoius. give names pls, just for the luls!
its just the fact that ppl accept some busted polaks as ec skillers , playing a 3on3 with gnajda the same day really shows it
the only one who has ever served a ban is numeric quite a long time ago and he served his time. noone else ever was afaik.
and tbh i wouldn't give a fuck about playing versus (!) gnajda in 3on3 anymore, whenever i played vs him/them recently they were good but nothing "omg obvious hax" anymore. though i understand that this casts a bad light on wssquad since gnajda is probably the most famous (ex-?) cheater besides sup3r, kenta and junky in this community.
numeric was banned one year ago so not so long m8 + the fact he played with swiruz, ziomekpvp, absit and the rest cheaters faggots :).
Anyway Im glad that belgiantards lost match yestarday. Good for them.
i know, i was the guy who "busted" numeric, aka made the cf topic about him back then.
whatever you said I love you
I love you risee 8D
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