Top 5 column!

Hello thar!

Continuing on from TosspoT's column, I'm writing a piece looking at the most notorious flame-wars we've had here on crossfire over the last few years!

There are a few classics I can remember myself however, finding evidence of these comments/flame-wars is turning out to be a lot trickier than I first anticipated so I'm sending out a plea to you lovely CF users for some added aid!

Does anyone have any links to images or the original comments themselves of some classic flame-wars? Any ideas/help with be great, as trawling through old content for what I am looking for is slow to say the least!

Also if you yourself have a favourite flame-war that you have in mind by all means, give me a heads up! It can be your favourite for a number of reasons (Stupid comebacks, ridiculous claims, outlandish threats etc) so please, feel free to post!
Russia pulZa on England Sheep and skaters and stuff. Kinda epic :D

I think I saw it on Finland Decem's ftp once.
I sent decem a PM about his FTP asking what happened to the files!
Yeah, I liked browsing around there :P
check this, 2 nerds having a conversation, priceless:
FF vs Evolve is nice indeed.
1st one is a classic
every flamewar was special in its own kind of way
snoop vs cantremember

annajr vs cantremember after enlarged :D
that was annajr vs. Mo
that one was funny, idd :d
if only decem's ftp were still running..
Danke danke! Yea, I think it's inevitable that vila will at least feature in one of the top 5!
the best german one was definately the one with hummel and fireball vs duKe_
oh man the best ive ever seen seriously.
Is there a translation for it? My German blows. :(
unfortunately there is no translation afaik
but it was about hummel and fireball who wanted to beat up duke at a lan
and that kind of stuff.
in the end nothing happened. as always.
I can translate it for you, if you like..
If it's not too bad, sure! Don't stress yourself about it though. :)
well it might be the best "german flamewar" but its just about beating up at lan^^ so wont do for now :D
Okey-dokey amigo!
hahaha zu geil

aber mal ne frage... das ist ja jetzt schon 2 jahre her, wie is es denn am ende ausgegangen?
number one has to be evo vs the overload boys after impact beat overload by using 2 mercs.
This was one of the ones I was looking for, thanks!
your welcome, nething else i might be able to help with?
Could you buy me a car?
give me the money for it and ill go and buy it
Give me your paypal account and I'll transfer the finances momentarily!
Germany sNoOp vs. World
He's such a hateful young man. :(

Any particular favourite instances of our beloved crew-cut-hero?
I think the majority is in German. But pm snoop himself! He'll help ya out.
System6 getting EC-Qualifier!
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