awesome day aka fuckin shit.

So I got all my lessons cancelled in school today so now I can sleep, make assigments and still have time to enjoy without getting any stress. lovely.

And then my router has crashed so I just ordered a new one...awesome, more money to waste.

Any awesome things happend to you yet?
i woke up at 7am to go to work, only to find out i haven't got work today

now i can't get back to sleep
No, not really. Just came to school and still 8 hours left.
Sittin here in work playing poker, my body hurts from playing football last night. Of out after work to celebrate 250 years of Guiness
250 years of shit LoL
How dare you!
Well, it's utter shit in Wales
Few people said it tastes better in Ireland anyway so will have to find out myself :{
I didnt go to first 2 colleges and now I overslept for the 3rd & 4th ones also :D

I might go to 5th & 6th
I'm gonna make a 20 min presentation to get my diploma, after that i will say bb to school (forever) :D
Bonne chance !
raaah i'm gonna have bad luck now, you should have have said "merde" :/
i hate u :<
Nah, don't worry, have faith. And if you fail I can send you some cookies :D
i woked 10, didint wake up to school and now im bored
work up at 530 to go to work, finished at 1500. now doing an assignment to hand in tomorrow at 17 (but have work 6-15)

gonna cook some fish for dinner in approximately NOW

NO TIME 4WOLF 2NITE Yo (tonight, wolf player base decreased by 25%) :((((
girlfriend decided to go to her family and friends for 2 days so i'm off the hook. avi for zeh wars tonight i guess :D /q
Other people have been preferred over me 8 times already when applying for a student room by the students that lived there.

I really suck THAT much irl. So go fuck yourself.
you can come live with me, i've got a spare room!
I think the traveling times are worse from your place to uni than from my parents place.

I could come live in Estonia for a while though, if you have a decent enough job for me that doesn't need your blablablanguage.
think of it that way, i live _quite_ close to Finland ruoska!
Why did your lessons get canceled?
I have lessons from 11-7 today :/ FUCK
aint bad at all, after school, straight to pub? :D
It's afternoon-disco =D so probably yes :D
got back from tunesia yesterday and now sitting at work again :>
awesome enough imo.. and uni starts again next week
Been up all night, im waisted. Pissed about 2 tonn up against the the wall last night.
Hope the wall didn't fall down :o
No, i think i fell down lol
I'm at school atm, and trying to decide if I should go to all the 4 lectures I still have left
i'm working...cant find any awesome things more.. that's all! i will finish @6pm, take train and come back home @7.45pm ... !
I'm bored at work and tonight gonna raid Nax25. x)
ur looking forward to a raid? dude..
it's actually fun if you are going with 5 irl friends, move to one place, have a small LAN for a night and alot of fun.
not really my cup of tea;)
morning, I'm still on holidays and now I'm off for some coffee
been working allready since the minute i woke up.
Ye I woke up and wondered what I could do since my last exam was yesterday. Now trying to catch some good bets for today's eve and thinking when I could go to gym
woke up like 4 times because of my stupid phone ringing all the time. forgot to turn it off during night...
then switch it off the 1st time it rings?
never thought of that! dude, youre a fucking genius :D
experience m8, experience :(
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