WoW Time!

Hey guys!

W'll I'm bored and since i have too much spare time i would like to play some other game.
I have cod4, and I don't play since like last year, so I wanted to trade it to a WoW account: =DD

erm I want the wow account updated with the last version , not interested in the character on it but is a +. And please not battle net registerd. So just pm me if you want to talk about it.

Have a nice day all!
Just buy it, you'r gonna have to pay bimonthly anyway
True, but I can spare 30€ wich I can't lose atm :)
Parent GOGO
like some1 is going to trade wow account to cod4 key, are you fucking stupid?
I c u r the stupid 1 here
Right, cod4 costs like 30€ or smth, fully upgraded wow account costs like 100€ :- )
cod4 costs 40€
to play wow u need last game costs 30 €
wow it self costs 20e, BC costs 15 - 25e, wotlk 30 - 40e
First month is free anway?
free trial for 2 weeks ftw?

/2 Link epic and achievement else don't bother!
Why don't you play on a private server ?
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