CC7 5v5

OK, we were planning to again attend CC tournament...

But what the hell 5on5 ??

Tosspot stated that he "discussed" it.. But i think its a lie as there is like 80% negative replies..

So are you for or against 5v5 ?

Im against !
Im for 5on5 :D
Im 100% going got the week off work already :D
niiice, im prolly coming too, not 100% sure yet tho!
i might come again too whoooooohooooooooooo
It's easier to organize a 5v5 tournament. Easier to find stable players.
yeah, like one player makes any difference. pls stop the bullshit. just say you would like to try 5on5 and it will look fair enough...
hes not talking bullshit you retard... Its ACTUALLY easier to keep a stable team if its 5on5, and its more fun than 6on6 imo :)
one player doesnt make a difference you retard. and more fun is 6on6 imo.
I have nothing against actually playing 5o5, it's just a bit odd since it just comes out of the blue.

Almost every cup and tournament is 6o6 and the upcoming OC and EC are 6o6 too, so it's kinda weird to go 5o5 all of the sudden, just for the LAN.
80% are against, and 99% of the 80% wont go, so it's pointless trying.
from an old poll
The biggest online league just changed from 6on6 to 5on5, was it right?

Yes - 5on5 is the future:
(2 votes)
No - Bad Decision:
(343 votes)
Undecided/Dont Mind:
(703 votes)

Against, they will kick me now ! :<
Nahh.. I don't know - if it's really easier organizing, then it's ok.
But the gameplay is just better in 6v6 :<

The less players, the more aim you'll need.. Which makes the less skilled clans chanceless.
His tournament, his rules. Face it. And besides that 5v5 is pretty ok.
5on5 +1
makes the game more compatible on lans(due to pc setups)
makes it more like rtcw(if rifle is taken out) which will result in more closerange maps and good teamplay
Useless to argue about yet, it is nearly half a year for the LAN and only 0,5% of the active spammers here are going there.
Bad choice.
make it 1on1. its easier to set up a tournament like this and clans have to pay less for sending "teams"
seems like ur quite a funny guy XDDDD
5on5 could be nice due to the fact, that the teams have to make new tactics.... at least i hope so, could revive this dead game a lil bit :>
actually 5o5 is pretty nice, but the current mappool is a problem... most of maps are designed for 6o6, which makes supply grush radar unplayable...

the mappool should be changed for maps that are closed: braundorf frostbite ice ... they are good for less players as one guy can take 2-3 opponents with easy, using wonderfull lean function
What a stupid comment. Ye, gold&supply are too big for 5v5, pls... So that's why they're in the 3v3 mappools?
My words ;)
its about balance... while u can play it in 3o3[however grush is shit imo] its unplayable in 5on5... i say it because grave was pretty active in 5o5 ladder, and i saw how shit to play supply and gold it is...

You just lack the ability to move whole defense as fluently as in 6on6... the all one route attacks are always successful, because they create a gap in your defence...

Prolly you will jump out with 3o3 argument, but you dont play 3o3 so dont dare to talk about it...
"grave was pretty active in 5o5 ladder"

Strange, I haven't seen you in that ladder ;=d.

"You just lack the ability to move whole defense as fluently as in 6on6"

Hmm, I thought it's easier to move 5 players than the 6 ones. You don't know what you are talking about :D.
3rd place at ladder, says more than enough ^^ But we stopped playing after it became clear - 5o5 aint the future...

ye you move 5 guys, and create a gap that will be used by enemy... Because the map is too big to be covered by 5 guys playing against 5 guys..
Did you forget that the enemy is attacking with 5 players? They're missing their 6th, there's a gap in attack as well.... Maaaaaaaaan...

We were first.
you cant create a gap in the attack :0

the defending in ET is about covering pathes to the objective... ergo - defense is static... While attackers move all the time using diferent routes... You cant cover equally current maps with 5 guys without weakning another spot of defence...

and u were first when the ladder was dead and only low+ clans played it
"you cant create a gap in the attack :0"
O rly? How about missing the guy who's spawnraping the axis spawn on grush? Then the fop from the spawn and medic from the 2nd exit can easily shot to the guys @ the truck road.

"You cant cover equally current maps with 5 guys without weakning another spot of defence..."
Ye, there's so many routes to get the flag @ supply, or build the crane. Even 10 players wouldn't be enough to cover those paths.

Wtf you're talking about, rly. Less players in attack = less ways to cover by the defence. So it's simply means it's the same shit just with a less spam.

"and u were first when the ladder was dead and only low+ clans played it"
Coz it was always dead? We were first when the ladder had only 4months. And I still can't see grave there ;=d.
u dont get it but what should i expect of some lowbob...

attacking is like a flood... its constant process... having one or two guys down dont actually make the difference, because they could take down 4 axis with them...

you defence should be like a wall... stable in every place... 5 guys means there is weak spot...

5 allies rush down the cave @ supply cp stage... axis have to move there cause there is no way 2 or 3 guys will take down 5 men... then 1 or even none is left @ cp... its way to small amount of players to hold upcoming attack if allies decide to selfkill and get the cp...

Now try same scenario in 6o6... theres always at least two guys @ cp, and they never move from there... and this magic combination of lt+medic is more than enough to hold allies for 3-4 seconds before they mates will come back form cave...
Have you even read the shit that you wrote? :D
You wrote about some hypothetical situations, 5 people rushing thru the caves can be easily hold by one rifle (landmines+rnades=failrush) & fops.
It's all the same, just less spam.

"having one or two guys down dont actually make the difference"
Ye, that's why we should make 1-man rushes :D.
ye sure, but remember - you aint playing against lowbobs like you, who cant jump over the mines and kill the camping rifle with 3hs...

but i dont care anymore, you are is stupid lowbob, as you did prove many times
how about not change anything for that lan ... no flame , none will whine , and so
its fucking great idea!

but toss makes his own rules :<
if they make it 5v5 might be cool if they try getting rid of rifle nades as well, give the game a different feel

i also think a different mappool needs to be looked at if it's 5v5

all in all it's not a bad idea overall though
you will roll without your rifle?
i'd happily play without the rifle if i had to
I think the argument about better organization is bullshit..

I dont know how it is now there.. But i was on CDC3 and there were like 6 or 8 teams able to play at once.. so even you will have it 5v5 it will not help to have another 2 teams playing > So the organization will be quite the same ? Im right ?
Nope, the other games are 5on5 aswell.

If u have 20 pc's you can play 2 wars at a time with 5on5, 6on6 u can play uhmm.... calculate yourself!
But at cdc3 there was more than 20 pcs, and not enough that 5on5 helps... !
5on5 is the best!!
6vs6 > 5vs5 , ideas like getting rid of rnades and so are stupid imo , its getting rid of gameplay that et is providing ....
All previous 5on5 tourneys have kept the rifle, I'd be surprised if that was removed.
Also i think that the 5v5 format will serve as really good excuse for cheaters... Nah sorry we wont go 5v5 sux :D
Yes, that's the perfect reason, plz :D.
lets get rid of riflenades/cutty
Think it's ok.
what urtier said.
Every single competitive LAN that's used 5on5 has been a success.
6on6 > 5v5

Though anything to reduce the spam in ET is a good thing imo

To make ET more competitive:
- reduce spam
- make crossfire's less effective
- make panzer stronger but with longer charge time
- remove mines or atleast make them alot weaker
- make sten more powerful so covert ops is a more viable class to play
- make sniping stronger but with more recoil & longer time between shots (1 headshot = 1 kill always but less autosniping)
- change the way that damage is calculated in the source code so its more realistic
- reviving gives 80% of health instead of 60% or whatever it is now
- and imo remove riflenades OR make them strong but use up more charge (like the panzer)
It's not about making ET more competitive, it's about reducing the size of a teams.
rofl what a bullshit :XD

go and play CS
grow up lol

those steps would make the game more like rtcw

CS/S is a crap slow game with wierd spread etc...

how is 'increasing the strength of the panzer' making me a fan of CSS?

fucking polak.
"How to kill ET in 9 steps"
actually those steps would take the game back more towards rtcw and make et a more skilled game
sorry , but all those points are very stupid
That's just: "how to make ET more like rtcw" ...
Rtcw died long time ago, ET is still alive, let's keep it that way!
6v6 > 5v5 !
rtcw is different from et in that you had to buy it....hence less players hence death and also having et come along helped kill off rtcw but theres still cups for it so its still popular
5on5 seems ok
since every other game at the lan seems to be 5on5 aswell it makes sense :p
And most of the guys whining now wouldn't even go if its 6on6
I think it's ok cause we're planning to attend and there's only 5 places @ winq's car!:D
I remember the times when everybody whined about 5v5...but suddenly it's ok for everybody, guess it makes sense, less et players, less players per team!
...that doesnt really make sense...

trouble is nothing is being done to attract more players to play ET, to stop the ones from playing from leaving or worse using hacks & being forced to leave.

just hope we dont end up like the tf:c community: when I tried playing a pickup with them they never explained anything and kicked me within 2 minutes because apparently i was doing something wrong & they were being too self centered to explain it!
what the hell, you're from uk?! seriously dude, it took me 3 times to read your sentences to understand what you actually want to tell

soz doing like 12 things at once here
It's human nature to only post the negative (Disagreement)
+ 100000000000000000000
& if people read your comment, they will feel attracted to the positive, because you just stated almost all people are negative. :< So basically, it's all directed by the way you present it, right?
It might help, but I somehow doubt it's everything :(
It certainly helps & the average level of psychological skills on this site is certainly an advantage for the way you present it :D
for 5on5 ! go baby go
problem with 5o5 is that everything else is 6o6.. if that would be changed i would be for 5on5 100%
we will run a series of tournaments after the EC group stages to help that problem.
I personally think 6v6 is better, but if you want to make the change, please remember to let a brained guy, like yourself/Wesbo/night or any topplayers with brain, take a look at the mappool & gameplay. Because things will have to change to make it as enjoyable as 6v6.

Gl with it tho ;o)
I think he discussed it with highskillz not random lowtards who won't even go to lan
I don't mind.

and most of the clanz that will go agreed with it so why not
I find it really funny how everyone genuinely has forgotten how terrible 5v5 was (141 vs idle showmatch anybody?) it prevents 2/2/2 splits so allies attacking options decrease, resulting in stale matches. The game 5v5 felt less exciting than 3v3 and that's saying something.
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