the movie that made u cry?

what movie made you / almost made you cry?
for me no movies made me cry, but i did almost choke at forest gump :D
when I was little, E.T. (Steven Spielberg, not the game ha-ha ;) ) ,oh and Platoon is also a hard one, when the guy is running alone, chased by the congs..

When Barça loses a game i'm always sad =<
Fragarea 3
The Big Lebowski
Ah Zaigon was kinda sad in the end... Even more so the RTCW movie, which was called Forever Rage, if I remember correctly.
OMG why are you doing this to me!! Gonna get some tissues now :'(
Forever Rage really was heartbreaking:'C
that was the plan :)
I cried at the end of Pearl Harbour... Other movies which "touched" me: American Son, Forest Gump, Seven Pounds, Jungle Book ofc :) Im sure there's lot's mooar but can't recall.
Nobody Knows

only movie that I can recall that really made me cry :'(
Can't remember crying over a movie. Only sports on TV made me cry twice.
The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean
only ET.
and no, not the movie
A walk to remember
Wicker Park
Terminator 2 (I have said this BEFORE himym)

image: terminator2thumbsup
some movies with tom hanks (forrest gump, philadelphia, terminal, the green mile), titanic and some more i cant remember right now
Ah yes Green Mile is one of the movies which actually reduced me to tears :/
dunnow if its known in other countrys.. but when i was very young (4years or smth) i cried while watching bambi :(
Fucking shit gay.
you cried today when i left the vent.. now who is gay !!!

@edit dont say "your cat" now k thx :DDDD
thought u would go party party?
in 10 min i get picked up, thought you were going to watch jackie chan i mean bambi?
okay have fun.. and dont forget: dutch students have most sex.. so for once in your life fuck a girl !
bambi, when his mother gets shot by the hunters :<<<
yeah.. every disney main character's mother dies. :((
titanic & forest gump
+1 forrest gump,
gtfo titanic rofl
i still love titanic, dno why even if its seen as such a gay movie :D

but forrest gump is my favo movie :) nothing can beat that one, tom hanks > all
The Rock - when the squad gets shot after exiting the sewers - the soundtrack simply IS making the difference:'C
real man don't cry
Russia Brigada
Always does the trick for me
Band of brothers :o :<
When I was a kid, The Snowman :(
At the end of Requiem for a Dream when Sara's two friends go to see her in the institution then it shows you both of them crying in each others arms outside at what they just saw. Powerful stuff.

Also, when Ralph Fiennes character in Schindler's List is trying to shoot the factory worker and the gun won't work. Great movie.
not a movie but this scene of The Shield got me crying :( LEM:(:((((((
The waterboy and all sorts of movies :P... I am weak when people are getting picked on because of their mental dissabilities or when they just don't know better :<
most lars von trier movies work
Cptain, my Captain...
loool ive watched this on my class :D random movie ^^
ShoesiBoy No way Out 1
cant even imagine crying because of a movie. :/
well maybe if i'm really sad anyway and then watch a depressing film, but didnt happen yet
quite a lot of movies tbh ;)
Braveheart :(
The ending of Kung Fu Hustle ;_; The Notebook
felt something at the latest House episode
8 years ago u were "little" ?
seven pounds.
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