Prototype (TheGame)


I got this game today , thought I might test it , and I am so glad I did.
It was a little bit too much in the beginning but then it cooled off then I realized omgoat this is just a awesome game :D

It's like GTA , Assassin creep , Hitman , Spiderman , call it all awesome games in one

if you guy can get ur hands on it , it's defenetly something you should try.
I know a lot about games trust me , this is just awesome ^^ hard to make.. it's 99% flawless

Here is some info :

FreeRoam , ship shafting , Missions , Vehicles , going on buildings , Special Powers , Points to upgrade powers.

anyone have a good night.

/flame on for Nolife idiots that have nonsence comments on every post
it is like many games : once finished -> uninstall
well ET is dead so , enough time to finish it =)
as dead as
idd =) understandeble tho , with all the flaming going on , and people with no lifers trying to flame others , some people just don't post anymore or just delete their accounts =) even heard 5 people doing that
It always used to be like that, didn't it?
Played it for few evenings, it went quite boring after few hours, never finished it :/

EDIT: Oh, NYC was modelled so nicely, I enjoyed roaming around the city, running around our hostel etc. Haven´t seen so accurate city in other games so far, graphics, drawing distances and details were so sweet.
played it like month ago it got a bit boring since the missions were almost same just kill random amount of bad guys then throw car at roflcopter and run away cool but no thanks
played it for like 5 months ago cracked, finished the hole game on all lvls, and removed it,
its an awesome game with some nice graphics and attacks, but its to short, theres not so many stages, but still alot to do, its like a free run all over the city
was it that bad that u needed to call it hole?
Great game
the trailer looks like you are playing a supernatural terrorist :-D
completed it, blade was fun to cut through crowds :D
yea blade is awesome :o I am not doing a lot of missions tho , don't want it to finish :D doing more Events ;p
when u do all missions you can still run around on the map and do events or just fun around
special powers?

pic or it aint no game
infamous copy
Who pays for free games?
don't know , do you?
Shit, shit fucking game.
Went into it expecting it to be GOTY since all you fucking faggots came all over its little shitty graphics, where every bulding looks the fucking same and every fucking mission is like a fucking mmo, 'kill x'. WHAT THE FUCK? Has gaming gone so bad that you call this piece of shit 'awesome'?

Fuck you. I'd rather play with lego.
why the fuck are you hating on lego, i should destroy you.
it seems you got a crappy pc :D
and I suppose you play pacman and tetris , with pro graphics..
turn everything high =) I tell you what graphic means, I am not just coming all over nigger, I know what graphics are , I am a graphic designer and this is what makes the game awesome and something that makes you realize the world has changed..
my fucking bollox. The graphics in this game are _SHIT_ play with AAx24393834 and it's still fucking shit, if you are a graphic designer you will appreciate that every building looks the fucking same and that they are basically boxes.
Quotesince all you fucking faggots came all over its little shitty graphics,

playing games for the graphics is as watching porn for the story..

think you are the one that comes over graphic eyecandy games.. nice

GAMEPLAY, try it..
WOAH! I never said I play games for graphics, I said that the graphics were shit, even though you cunts bashed 100 times to Alex Cockmuncher.

GAMEPLAY? In this game? Are you fucking serious? Playing this game for the gameplay is like sticking pins made of cocks into your eyes, because it's fucking shit. All you do is run jump and mouse1 it's not even challenging.

And before you say LOLMARIO all you do is run and jump, atleast Mario has a tiny bit of challenging gameplay.

I believed this game would be good for abit of general fucking around, but fuck, you kill someone and their body disappears after less than 30 seconds, it's pure shit, bullshit game that all you faggots love for some reason that I can understand. BOLLOX. Play a game with abit more depth.
it seems you got other problems =) not because of this game
your totally mentally sick , you got some big issues really
the way you tell it, all games are shit ,
you got some big issues with ur self buddy , not with the game :)
No, I don't think all games are shit. I just fucking think Prototype is shit, and I can't understand why people like it.
well your reason for hating it is bullshit , complaining about Graphic and disappears after less than 30 seconds , doesn't make any sence xD you have to look at games together at once , and see the difference, ofc it's not a EA game but still graphic's are good enough for Activision :)
What the fuck are you even on about, that makes no sense, please explain it in dutch so I can get perfo to translate.
nvm :) ur just a virgin kid with problems, not gonna argue with that :)
have fun kido
one of best games ever :D. Got it on pc :P. My friend got it on ps3 (ownage).
got bored after few hours
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