Why do i get random shitspam from this site?

Why do i get this shit popup window when i try to click "my profile"
It's randomly hidden under different links.
I see why ppl actually prefer taggers.eu over this.

Is the economy crisis so strongly affecting this site ...
don't get any popups on firefox here :)
thats on your end :>
don't get any popups on firefox here :)
ur gfx card just want to get replaced...
engrish motherfucker, do u speak it!????????!
had a typo, sry my love :(
strange that it's a site that sponsors crossfire and i have it only on this site!
must be me
you are gay
Firefox + adblock = image: i-cant-see-shit.
What popup?
don't get any popups on opera here :)
I don't get popups or anything from here. Never have done.

Think you have some spyware, my friend.

Download this, sir.
you have a virus/spyware sir
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