alexL Lunchtime 32

image: IMG_0516

-500gram chicken
-200gram egg
-1 Jungle Warfare pill
-1000mg omega 3 pill
-1000mg c vitamin pill
-1 multivitamin pill
- some cashew nuts
(protein 132gram , fat 20gram = 855kcal)

what are u guys eatiN^?

image: os6074

alexL approves this journal!
We don't give a shit and we hope he will dissappear from the face of the earth.

Now gtfo with that bitch.
heil Alex
man that looks so disgusting
disgusting lunch

image: 4085
image: salmon11
image: ca3c51084855edffae38a003fd90f87a
nerd food iz nerd :|
unban alexL :/
Oatmeal with Amino's
Just ate fish fingers (22g protein) + wholemeal bread x 4 (17g pr0tein) + 2 pint water LOl
small pic is small
loos quite nice tbh ;3 but nuts and chicken wouldnt go well in my tummy !
alexL - the 3 star michelin cook.
Should be more than 20g fat :-P

3 eggs: 21g
500g chicken: 5g
cashew nuts: 42g/100g
+ the fat he used to cook it!
thought the same xD
he doesnt count the nuts in his dietplan, its something he always eat but doesnt count it
Ofc he doesn't count the nuts since he lost track after one too many t-bags
Are you his fuckbuddy or why on earth do you post this stuff?
fat , you know all about it don't you , tubby ?
\:D/ can I borrow some , please?

I have too little :<
takes 10 min to load it :DD
never thought one could fail at cooking eggs and chicken..
He looks like terrorist in that pic
just went to the mac, i dont wanna eat pills and that other shit my whole life just to look a little more mascular than someone else..
its not healthy to eat so much protein.
need pics of his chick, not his chicken.
heres his chick(en)
alexL in the middle!

image: 2z9chnb
newbje @ the left ? alexl @ the middle and tornis @ the right ? no? ^^
brother filip, alex, friend cronax
so dam cool so daaaaam coool!! alex you are our idol woohoo. seriously who the fuck care about your pills? and chicken?fucking wnb
man that looks good
i miss alexl :(
Quote-500gram chicken
-200gram egg
-1 Jungle Warfare pill
-1000mg omega 3 pill
-1000mg c vitamin pill
-1 multivitamin pill
- some cashew nuts
(protein 132gram , fat 20gram = 855kcal)
-5000mg rape drug pill
-5cm of busted asshole
if alex isn't a homo then ima god :(
that jungle warfare sounds like a...HOAX
you dont really get that ppl like you are uncool, do you ?
alexL's teeth are waaay more white and his eyebrows are tweezed :D
true and seriouz ÖD
250grams of chicken and small amount of rice to go with it
water for drink

that's what I usually eat before a race :)
alexl, get online and join instead. muppet
i hope he dies.
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