The following people are paedophile's

Taken from - - Where a man who had sex with a 13 year old girl is somehow having people plea for his release because hes a director....It shouldnt shock you that the French are heavily involved in the paedophilia

Politicians and Hollywood heavyweights have rallied behind director Roman Polanski following his arrest.

French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner called the detention of the film-maker - a French citizen - in Switzerland a "bit sinister".

According to trade paper Screen Daily, Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is also backing the director.

A lawyer acting for Mr Polanski said he will challenge his arrest and any attempts to extradite him to the US.

Mr Polanski, 76, is currently in custody in a Zurich prison.

The French-born Polish director was detained on Saturday as he arrived in Zurich to receive a lifetime achievement award.

Frederic Mitterand said "a scary America" has just "shown its face"

"We're calling on every film-maker we can to help fix this terrible situation," Weinstein said.

US prosecutors want Mr Polanski to return to be sentenced for having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977.

He pleaded guilty at the time as part of a plea bargain but then fled abroad.

A petition has been signed by film-makers and actors including Monica Bellucci and Fanny Ardant expressing dismay at Mr Polanski's arrest.

Culture minister Frederic Mitterand said President Sarkozy was following the case "with great attention".

Mr Mitterand also told France-Inter radio that he and his Polish counterpart Radek Sikorski have written to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and said there could be a decision as early as Monday if a Swiss court accepts bail.

And British novelist Robert Harris described the arrest as "disgusting treatment".

Mr Polanski is directing a film adaptation of his book The Ghost. Mr Harris said the production team were "reeling from the news".

Oscar-winning director Andrzej Wajda was among members of the Polish Filmmakers Association calling on their website for Switzerland to immediately release Mr Polanski and for the US to review his case.

In its Monday edition the French daily Le Figaro quotes Mr Polanski's Paris-based lawyer as saying: "We will be demanding that he be freed. Then we will fight the extradition."
so many polaks there:d
Nice to know that you can plea bargain your way out of having sex with children in the good ol' U S of A.

About time he was forced to face the consequences!
Without plea bargaining the US justice system collapses ^^
Indeed. Not much consolation to the victims of those that are let off though! (even though in this case Polanski settled out of court years ago for a reported 6 figure sum :D)
Serves him right.
Stuart Saw
yeah maybe :)

i contact u in irc !
count me in
accept friendz
Meisjes van elf beslissen zelf.
prop hem met kracht in een kind van 8
u ma is een man.. :P
een kind van twee heeft ook een snee
wat niet rekt dat scheurt wel
11 + 11 is ook 22.

u r banned
It is fucking disgusting that all of these people are going crazy over his arrest and defending him. They are as sick as he is, he slept with a child I don't care if she was sexually experinced he slept with a child and should be tried and hung after his balls are cut off. The world is full of sickos and whoever defends him might as well be a pedo too fucking digusting people.


As you can guess this angers me, fuck the whole fucking retraded world you dirty fuckers!
Well you could say that everyone who defends him is just as sick as him, but I think they just feel sorry for him because they "know" him through his work and can at some level relate to his life struggle. BUT STILL CROSSFIRE SHOULD START A PETITION TO SEE THIS PERVERT EXTRATITED AND CONVICTED!
Does not matter if you know him or not supporting someone who slept with a child is sick!
I fully agree, and even international law does, but I am trying to understand people who feel sympathy towards him.
Hmm I can't understand why people would support him, if you work it out let me know!
Raping seems worse, yet you stay nice and use the word "sleeps".
Thats because its 100% that he raped her, he had sex with her that is for sure. The point is she was a child and wether or not she consented its still agasint the law and sick.
I saw this in the news and first was a bit astounded that he got arrested after such a long time...but then there was french people saying stuff like, "the swiss have their noses deep in the arse of USA!" I mean since when don't you have to pay the concequences to the crimes you commit! I guess I kinda wish for the courts to increase his penalty since his been such an asshole about it. Don't care who you are or where you come from - all equal before da law.
I was looking for something like: the following people are not allowed at cc7 :/
you're to fugly to get in anyways..
comedian :S
okay maybe you're just not ugly enough to get in, that is why you got busted last year xP
Radek :DDD
he's a great director but I also can't understand how anybody can try to defend him
this is ultimate BÄTEL
calm down guys, hes won an oscar he can do whatever the fuck he wants.
she said she was 18!
don't really care, but in his defence it should be said that the girl has already forgiven him for ages and it's really a loong time ago.
the charges won't stick anyway, they should just release him. it's the girls (women nowadays) word against his.
a real punch in the face for the (now)-woman who he raped thirthy years ago. seriously how can you defend such a prick. but what wonders me even more is that it took them 30! years to arrest him. why didnt anybody do it before?
"In einem Gespräch mit Vanity Fair vom 14. August 2008 verzieh ihm Samantha Geimer und forderte Gnade für Polański: „[...] Der Vorfall verfolgt ihn genauso wie mich. In Amerika gilt er als Krimineller. Ich finde, er hat für seine Tat genug gebüßt. Wir haben nie wieder miteinander gesprochen, aber er hat mich wissen lassen, dass es ihm leid tut. Ich hege keinen Groll mehr. Menschen machen nun mal Fehler. Ich wünsche ihm viel Glück für alles, was er anpackt.“[9] Weiterhin äußerte Geimer: „Ich begriff, obwohl ich so jung war, dass Polanski keinen fairen Prozess bekommen würde. Der Richter hatte von Anfang an gesagt, er wolle ihn für 100 Jahre in den Knast stecken.“[8] "

wiki :P
now thats an attitude
what Germany gambit said !
funny how all of nazis (germans) want him to be arrested as their revenge for pianist. Face it germans u are the fucking nazis country and will always be
oh yeah Tosspot is idd the stereotype of a german nazi !
get some education and grow up kid :)
once a nazi always a nazi remember it
once a polish always a polish remember it
haha stfu 6 world country naab
isnt poland a 3rd world country?
go steal something retard
Nazis were less harmful than polish shit :D
I guess 80% don't even the pianist, let alone that it was made by Polanksi. And another 90% of those who know it, don't give a fuck since holocaust is no topic to be concealed. schindlers list was also a very successful movie in germany.
it keeps amazing me how fucking retarded people can be.
No idea why, I giggled at this comment :(
To me it actually just seems an indication and benchmark on how low people will go in order to further their careers.

It is indeed pitiful, dirty and scoundrelous. It makes you lose faith in humanity.

Edit: lol @ least you provide alternate reasons for us to lose faith in humanity. Fighting the good fight against paedophiles having a monopoly! :D
BTW i was always wondering if germans like movies like saving private ryan, band of brothers etc..

e: i actually love nazis because if they wouldnt start WWII there wouldnt be such a great movies and ET :))
ofcourse we do.
saving private ryan = awesome movie
you can't expect them to be historically correct since they are made by americans, but who cares.
band of brothers is suprisingly not another america saves the world series
hmm ye i started watching it but got kinda bored and stopped. maybe i should give it another try.
hmm believe me, movies, tv series are my biggest passion and band of brothers is my favourite, no doubt, absolutely perfect series which granted all of my expectations
4chan's new hero I suppose.
It's hilarious how some german retards are outraged and want his balls to be cut off for sleeping with a 13-year-old girl while the age of consent in germany is 14. isn't allowed to RAPE a 14-yo in Germany.

e: And for having wanted sex with someone under 16, you need to be under 18 (or even 16, dont rly know) by law.
he got a point though, those statements from people like "Pickelschwanz" are completely retarded and shows that he doesn't have any clue about this case (even less than me as it seems). i don't know if he really "raped" her back then (though sleeping with a 13 year old is always wrong ofc) but still the girl speaking in his favour and having forgiven him changes quite a lot.
statements like "(...) should be tried and hung after his balls are cut off" are completely retarded and hardly any better than what he did.
but well, what can you expect when BILD is the daily paper with the highest circulation in germany.
Pickelschwanz is kipster and is from the uk afaik.
hmm okai no clue, was too lazy to check his profile.
How do you know these things?
I'm Bob Saget bitch.
I never said anything about rape? I said it is sick to sleep with a child, You have to wonder what must of been going through his mind to even want to sleep with a child. It does not matter if she has forgiven him or not he still has charges to answer too. I would not be surprised if some other women come out and say that he touched/ had sex with them.

Its ok I guess I will go out and shoot someone, go on the run and then in 30 years hope their faimly has forgiven me so I can escape a lenghtly prison sentance.
"(...) should be tried and hung after his balls are cut off"
"charges to answer" / "prison sentance"

there's a small difference!
Well it is sick to sleep with Children and I bet the dirty old barstard has done it to more than one.
Here in belgium u'd sit in jail for a longer time as an african cunt stabbing some people, so yeah, if this happens here, i'd rather see pedophiles get their balls cut off instead of doing nothing, again.
typical polish argument, and oh so wrong.
Stop stalking me.
I do what I want, you can try to stop me but I will prevail.
Quote It shouldnt shock you that the French are heavily involved in the paedophilia

u are all so smart but if supposingly hot chick which is 13 offered u having sex u wouldn't accept it for sure !
have you read the transcript of the trial?
have you seen a picture of the supposedly hot chick?

are you defending child fuckers on a regular basis or is it because the pedo is from polish descent?
Funny how all the polish are defending him because he is polish(/french) :)

It doesn't matter what nationality he is, he should be punished for that.
" The victim at the centre of the case, Samantha Geimer, has previously asked for the charges to be dropped. "
If there's grass on the field, play ball.
"And British novelist Robert Harris described the arrest as "disgusting treatment". "

i read Rolf Harris, i was in peaces
Polish or not, that man is still a pedophile.

Law is equall for everyone and that icludes Polish, Austrian, Australian, German, American and anyone else doing such things to children.

And yes, that's utterly disgusting seeing "educated and well known celebrities" taking his side.

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