Flash Forward!

image: alg_flash

New American TV show, aired over here yesterday for the first time.

Basic premise is that the entire world blacks out for exactly 2 mins and 17 secs and catches a glimpse of themselves in roughly 6 months time (the exact time/date they see is 29th April, 2010 @ 10PM PST I think?)

Is based on a sci-fi novel by some canadian guy.

Was actually pretty good! Anyone else watching?
its amazing one of the best new shows this season together with modern family
Yep, watched it also, looking good :)
Am watching it too! :D
April 29th 1992
There was a riot on the streets tell me where were you?
You were at home watching your TV
While I was participating in some anarchy

The date intentional?:O
Had a look, but didn't find any reference. Can't look too hard though - am trying to avoid spoilers!
Funny coincidence if not ^^

Will give it a looksie tonight, sounds a bit Lost meets Heroes but we’ll see.
might check it out
downloadin now
will download :D
I saw a commercial of it when I was in mexico.

Was from the creators of Lost and prison break right?
Wiki has one of the creators down as an exec. producer from a couple of Star Trek series, no mention of those two! Wouldn't surprise me though, seems like it's going to be another one of those mindfuck series.
ah ye just looked it up and it was 24 and the dark night what they said on the commercial. :p
Was going to watch it then I heard someone compare it with lost so I thought fk that.
I watched it last night. It's looking promising.
downloading, the idea looks quite decent :P
I really liked the pilot, cant wait for more episodes

I really hate lost, so dont skip this show just because u dont like lost :)
Managed to miss it, but going to try and catch up
gonna check it out, thnx
OMG what an ownage! im in love!!!
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