Now this is art!

I'm not big on new art, or old art for that matter! However this I caught my fancy during my daily BBC refreshfest:

image: 1

"Chinese artist Chen Wenling critiques the global financial crisis in What You See Might Not Be Real, on display at a Beijing gallery. The bull is said to represent Wall Street, while the man pinned to the wall represents jailed financier Bernard Madoff."
One hell of a fart
lal, oke !
i lol'd...
only thing we need is matches
I dont like chinese :$.
Lol :D He just made a fucking kick-ass work of art and came up with some DEEP "interpretation" as a joke. Kudos to him.
stop leering.
hello my favorite QuakeLive victim !
I like the original Wall Street bull more :/

image: 2049462-the-famous-wall-street-bull-0
ive touched those balls dude
was it a good feeling?
I've sat on top of his head
Whoa good shit :D
if that bull was representing wall street it should be laying in a corner dying
in other words beating the shit out of all the financiers
madoff didnt get beat by wall street :s

all the people who invested got beaten by madoff, who then "made off" with their money but was caught.

when the stock market crashes wall street cant be represented by a raging bull :/ more like a burst balloon.
well youre right, thats quite random in a sense. what I said would be the case when its 'just' a financier, not madoff.
nono missing the point,
the global economy, stockmarket goes down because of the free market system and wallstreet.
So the bull represents wallstreet, taking down the investers, who lose their money because of the bubble system they created!
Free market system? What?
free economy, you know what i mean. Even though it's a farce.
Actually, I don't know what you mean! What free market system?!
Don't use your smartass admin face on meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I shall have you arrested!
Explain yourself.
I'm the internets police! (And i know some ppl with the IRA, Etnies, that could bomb you aswell! HA)
what do you mean by wall street? investors who made irresponsible "bets" with other peoples money are wall street. the bull could only represent the government.
wallstreet being the abstract economy, the slumbering beast which turned around and screwed every1 over now. Yes those investers are wallstreet, but you could also view wallstreet as the system, the market. As it's ultimately the market that made us get into this mess.
I agree this is art, not picasso and the rest of the faggets
I don't like it - it's a dull try to reach the interest of lots of people by expressing the opinion of the general public... has nothing to do with art imo but it surely is a way to make people more interested in "art"
link to article?? I think I missed that...
nucleair farts have always been my favourite kind
looks amazing
saw it in the local newspaper too!

just... amazing :D
this is crap.. how can be this considered as art?
TosspoT in other news. could not be found.
This is a win.
i want one of those
looks wicked
it should be a bear as the bearish trend dominated wall street stocks during the financial crisis :(
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