TEKN0L0GY the movie

nicely one.
oh sweet jesus :/
i got a shoutout woo ! <3 terrible text m8 xD
unexpectedly nice :d gj
not bad. :D
hell yeah macca irvine
Will look now jake :)))))))))));)
good job m8
not bad :D
nice frags, nice movie!
good movie, sexy fragz
I almost want to install ET again. Pretty nice movie indeed.
too many effects imo...but every1 should decide it on his own...
expecting highskill, high quality EC frags
love it :)
somehow i expected better, but nice annyway:)

im FLoPJEHZ and not FLoPJEH

but rest is nice =)

Edit* megaupload sucks, streaming now :p
Edit2* haha u teamkiller :DD
Edit3* Simple movie with nice frags, I kinda liked it :)
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