WIN7 wont boot?

I have just bought a new RAM for my sisters computer.

The computer has the following specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo E450 - 1gb DDR2 ram - 2.2 GHz

The problem is when I inset my new RAM it all starts nice and slowly until when it comes to the Windows "Loading" page just before you can see your desktop. It just stops there, can't see nothing than "Windows - Loading"

I tried almost everything but still the same problem. When i remove the RAM it works perfectly.

And for you guys notice the ram is exactly the same as the one that is in it already.
You got any other slots where you can put it in? try switching it with an old RAM, maybe its just broken or so.
I don't think its broken cause when i go in BIOS it clearly says that the comp has 2GB RAM so dunno really
First i wanted to say, you sure the mobo can handle that much RAM ( since i have no clue how the PC was but now i just read it was new :P ) so that leaves that out.

How long have you waited the first time before you turned it off again cuz it crashed? you sure its not just processing the new RAM n stuff?

But you can always just try to switch it with another slot/ one of the old RAM and see if it starts up then.
Well I think I waited 5 min, that's at least the time it takes me to shit.

You think I should wait more?
Nah, 5 minutes should be more then enough (especially after what i heard about win7 that its way faster then XP/Vista). If its neither one of the RAM slots/ RAM itself then the only i could think of is the CPU (had that once myself, pc was working n stuff until loadscreen/ any other things it would just simply crash)

back in 10-15 min , need to buy some milk + bread =D
1gb DDR2 ram

stopped reading after that
Stop ruining other people their journals! go away!
i'm sorry, just need my daily attention
hayaa stole all your yesterdays attention eh?
idd, but i took docs back :( TWICE
True dat.. true dat..
So what are you trying to say here?
It's not like my sister is gaming so she needs 4 gb.
why would you install windows 7 for your sister that isnt even gaming in the first place?
I haven't installed it, my dad bought 10 new computers for his firm and since he had 1 left he gave it to my sister. (His firm is a so-called testing firm for microsoft so thats why It has win7).
ah well, just install xp imo :P
what do u expect with your 1 GB ram.. it's so cheap now get 4 , 6 wtf
even my dog has more ram than that
You actully made me laugh there.
My mate had the same problem.

Except he had 4GB of RAM.

It took like 30 mins on 1st boot :/
Really? Well what did he do? Did it fix itself automaticly after the 1st boot? or?
take a look into the bios .....
check first if you only have this problem with 7, if true it's 7; if false you ought to check your motherboard specifications and make sure everything is compatible, if it is try to reset your BIOS settings to default, and try again. if it does not work bring it to your local computer shop/ tech friend.
wait, 7 vista and xp have way longer boot times if you change anything in the hardware... because it will have to change a lot of shit in the software.
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