any remarks on these movies?

im looking at these few movies, should i download and watch them? are they worth it?

Sate of Play
The Earth Stood Still
Ice Age 3
Drag Me to Hell
ice age 3 ... worst one from all of the ice age movies
really...people said it was actually good, will wait for more comments
Not as awesome as the first one ... :) It's quite nice anyway - just don't expect the same fun of it as from first one.

Anyway, even with second one the Ice Age lost it's charm - Manfred is not anymore "probably the last mamut" (and in third movie he's already having a children which killed the beauty of all IA to me), Scrat is also not alone anymore (fail idea to introduce the scrat-girl IMO), etc., etc. ... QQ
watch it in 3d
wasnt spectaculair in 3d either...
well like zivs sayd ... it wasnt as good as the 1st one ... the 3rd one had a few good moments but not many , all the rest of the movie was pretty crap tbh ... :)
i watched it at the cinema with my gf, was pretty funny though. cool film:D
each movie is 8gb (1080p, kinda tired of dvdrip)
I'd DL Drag Me To Hell first out of those four!
Drag me to the hell , not worth to watch imo , watched it few days ago.

When's family guy s08e02 coming out btw?
supposedly raound the 5th
Great , infos with url ? So I wont bother you every time.
no idea, it was released in mo, so around episode a week, so its no later than the 5th ^^ wiki has the release dates of the episodes i think
state of play is entertaining, but dont expect something mind-blowing
State Of Play is a brilliant film!
The day the earth stood still was pretty bad.
why was it so bad?
Bad story, bad acting. Just very unbelievable.
Earth stood still is not worth it. :s
Sate of Play
dno but heard good things

The Earth Stood Still
dno but heard bad things

Ice Age 3
good not as uber as #1 but still fun

Drag Me to Hell
pretty good for a horror, compared to the other bullshit coming out nowadays
im not a fan of horror(at all) but it sounded pretty good, and im alil confused, was it also a comedy or what? Oo
more like a black comedy, I've always liked what Sam Raimi (the director) has done so far, so my opinion may be biased, but I was quite amazed by this film tbh and this movie delivers a message and lectures us about what's been happening in the us (people getting chucked out from their own houses due to the economic crisis ...)
nevertheless, don't forget the first aim of this film is to scare people ... :-d
Drag Me to Hell rly nice movie:)
Drag Me to Hell - Not too scary, but not too bad either.

Ice Age 3 - Probably the most ambiguous of the series, and not too bad when considered generally.

State of Play - I liked it, and thought Helen Mirren and Russell Crowe played good parts too.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - I like Jennifer Connelly as an actress but this was not a particularly good movie, and Keanu Reeves suffers the same monotonous criticism over his acting too. Knowing is a far better film comparatively in my opinion.
watched knowing, liked it a lot, thought it's a great movie
till the aliens came into play - became a horrible movie from that point.
true i didnt like the alliens and the end either, but overall good experience and watch
I thought it was a nice touch, and the only conceivable narrative merger they could have used between religion and science without picking one over the other.
I'd rather be left without an explanation (like a mystery end) than such alien spaceship stuff
State of play was mostly pretty good, only had a few boring scenes. And it was pretty long movie. U shouldn't be tired or anything when u watch it, otherwise u will miss many points
Ice Age 3 is realy enjoyable if you take notice of the effects they used, pretty nice animation movie.
State of Play - yes
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