Shitty day

I'm telling this to everyone and everything I know and it seems to work for me to get over it so here we go! Yesterday was the day I got homeless and girlfriendless!

I had to get out of my appartment, where I lived with my girlfriend for multiple months, before 1 october and failed to find something new. This means I had to move back in with my parents (who live on the other side of the country) which is kinda weird after living on your own for over a year. I'm still searching for something new ;[

Next to that my girlfriend decided to give eachother some space last week because of me not giving her a phonecall while I told her the day before I was going to call her! So yesterday she met up with me, and I started out with a passionate speech about how dumb I have been in the past couple of months (which was a lil' bit true) and that I want to have her back and I loved her and blahblablah. Then it was her turn to speak and she broke up with me after being together for over 2 years and 2 months. Ouch.

So I'm kinda a mess right now and telling myself that she wasn't THAT awesome anyway and that it's pretty cool to be single but atm it fricking sucks balls. I can't get myself to dislike her yet and everything I do or think seems to be rather useless and weird now, it's hard to distract myself from it all.

So, Crossfire, tell me how much of a bitch she was and give me stuff to do or something!
Sounds like she's already got something new going on. I suggest you move on. Try to get laid, call up some ex gf's :S
what's the problem? looks like she didn't really like you after all
Well, isn't that like... you know... a problem? :(
You don't need her.

You have us.

Your personal FUCKING army, apparently.
Just ask Kim for some e-f*cking, perhaps you can rid of your stress a bit on that way. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
onder het politiebureau naast de treinbrug kan je voor 20 euris het even 15 minuten helemaal vergeten onder het genot van een soa besmette negerin
well if she did that so easy after a relationship over then 2 years it means she had smth in her mind :/ just move one .go out drink ,make new friends, get laid etc.good luck with everything
buy a psp go, helps allot!
Dat helpt niet bij iedereen, Abdul klapstoel !
come on loazis she dumped u cause she found her self an alexL
if you have naked pic of her now is a great time to post them online
I know how you feel br0.
i gave a u real proposal - come live with me, i've still got a room empty.

sucks bout your girlfriend tho :/ bet she's a slag, if she dumped you after 2+ years of being together, for a rather ridiculous reason. Unless she's given you hints about it before and you haven't noticed - yet i doubt that, cause afterall you're Netherlands Lars "the smartest & greatest human alive"...erm, i dunno your family name :D
Nah, she didn't broke up because of that one phonecall I didn't give :P

There was some more going on ^^
She had this, in retroperspective, sometimes 'obsessive' need for attention that I didn't respond to often enough. Given the fact that I wasn't really someone who got her suprise flowers or diners and shit it started to collide. So it isn't really her fault or mine, it just didn't work out that well I suppose.

I feel better already :P
exactly the same here, just dont give a shit for a person with a that weak personality
kerstmis jongens! maak me gek
Don´t blame her, she just didn´t know these rules.

Share the wisdom.
Those are pretty nice man :)
12. For us, driving is not just a means of going from point A to point B. It's an opportunity to control a couple of tons of steel. We drive, therefore, we are

23. If it itches, it will be scratched.

37. Most guys own three pairs of shoes. What makes you think we'd be any good at choosing which pair - out of 30 - would look good with your dress?

47. If something we said could be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

Liked 47 actually the most :D
22 bestest :D
55. If we ask what's wrong and you say "nothing," we will act like nothing is wrong.

Actually its true. :P I hate it when girls say that and expect you to know whats wrong with them.
Showed her this, she got pissed off. Well done!
she was most likely fucking with all your friends while you was together, and now she has probably found someone which fills up her hole better. The only thing you can do now to get revenge, is to stalk her and brutaly kill every guy friend she ever makes in the most horrid ways possible. gl hf

*if killing is not your piece of meat, you could dress up in weird costumes and rape all the guys she ever befriends, nothing gay with that.
listen to this man he clearly has xp on this matter, but dont ask him how cheats work
Germ:( your life must be sux now. Sorry, cant help ya:P only advice, get laid!!!!
get some irl-friends, it helps :)
I'm gathering all the troops!
I broke up withj my gf last weekend aswell, She moved to uni and the distance thing wouldnt of worked as i need my sugar :D
gl there buddy
do what i did..after 3 years i went out and shagged half her mates
she finished me...she got what she deserved
awww loazis! Too bad I dont live close enough to you, we would go out and get drunk and organise some nice new girl and you could abuse her and stuff so you feel better!
or you could just hand him one of the locked up chinese girls you've got in your cellar :P
do I look like cuttyp to you ???? DO I????
quite frankly, the answer is simple:

yes, you do.
my dear infi,

you know there is a certail line you should not cross in a friendship.

shit, i wen't too far. i apologize!
I forgive you
aw lars.
dat zuigt jongen. Echt kut voor je, zeker omdat je zo lang hebt samengewoond.
Waar woon je nu dan? had je geen vrienden ofzo waar je tijdelijk even kon zijn?
Mhm,echt wel kut voor je! Maar jij zal wel wat anders vinden;). Zo te lezen kan een relatie soms gewoon niet goed gaan.... Ach, jij komt er wel overheen.

Sterkte man!
hey wouter,

lekker kale kutjes & turkse meisjes?
dikke klootzak kankerhoofd!
sounds like shes testing you out...women have a habit of dropping atom bombs when you least expect it, but she'll be regretin in a week! Meanwhile you will have gone out and found someone new....
Don't worry we'll play 3o3s tonight
sometimes it just doesn't work out. you will find a new girl and get happy - GL
it's always like this.. if they bitch about something it's okay, but if we do it..
nevermind, think about your future and yourself, that's more important. :)
never let go of your right hand in these situations
Write her a letter, don't give up so easy. Maybe she just wants you to wake up. Don't wait for her to come back on her decision...

Maybe it doesn't work for you, but hey,then you can never say you didn't try, and neither can she. Plus you can give it a place while your working on it. Have peace with the thought it might not do the trick. A heartache will go away some time, but comes back often if you didn't finish this as you would have wanted, later on.

I don't think she can walk away that easy after more then 2 years, I only fear that she has girlfriends who will encourage her not to come back to you.

in a month you feel all better. :)
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