Mother journal

My mom is happy atm :)

I just washed her car :))))))))

It's nice when mom is happy! I love mom <3

Maybe now she let me play whole weekend 24/7 ET because I was so nice to her :))))))

What about your mothers? Have you done something nice to her lately?

And weekend plans?

Taz = Playing all one day cups and rolling nerds :P Drinking coke and eating hamburgers
Yes I took out the trash!!
oisko 3on3? mun mutsi ei halunnu et meen niille käymää ku kysyin : )))) normipäivä
Ei ny kyl oo ET-fiilistä

Haha mutsis vihaa sua :D On pettyny poikaansa ku siitä tuli _NÖRTTI_

Ois halunnu urheilijapojan mut toisin kävi... kolanörtti koneella istuu
itseasias se ois halunnu työttömän ylioppilaan mut se saiki hyväpalkkasen amiksen ;( se on nii murtunu
kaikkein kamalinta on sellaiset vanhemmat jotka sanoo että ne on tyytyväisiä ihan sama mitä lapsi tekee, mutta silti niil ois joku oma toivomus ;<
brb, asking moms permission to play ET
"What about your mothers? Have you done something nice to her lately?"

This is why I love your journals

That and Saatan.
QuotePlaying all one day cups and rolling nerds :P Drinking coke and eating hamburgers

me too , but drinking Pepsi and eating chips !
Always nice to my parents cause they spoil me :(
Just got my mum some wine D:
i saw you washing car hahahahahahaheah
omfg omfg pls post next time on face bock
I did something nice to my mother ;)
I did something nice to your mother.

cmon guys, 10 replies and im the first to write it? what happened?
luckily you were here!
They are no milfhunterz anymore i guess:<
That wasn't even funny -,-

And you think why noone have posted it before you

thanks for pointing that out again, playboy.
I'm nerdboy 8-)
wtf, noone posted Mr. T mother song here yet? :OO
i did sth for ya mom ,er can u ask her if i forgot my keys ?
talking about your mother, i fucking left my condom in her fanny
I think I will smoke some myz and play HoN <3<3<3 and maybe fuck Laura :P

:):):) tatu old m8
Naapurin laura? Sano terkkuja
ei naapurii :P :P mut sanon :P:)
Plz naapurin laura oli ihan timmi ku vähän pelattii biitsiä
im a fucking loser so how i could make my mom happy :o
I was away for 3 days, maybe that made her happy
I just try to be nice to her
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