poker client

Hey nerdz,

i know many of you guys are playing poker and i decided to switch the client.
have been playing on fulltilt, partypoker and on bwin so far.
fulltilt is pretty good, has many small tourneys starting frequently.
partypoker was more or less the worst client i ve tried, the tourney menu is confusing and it simply sucks, bwin was not too bad, but has a small amount of good tourneys and the client keeps making problems to me. somehow its lagging...

i m looking for some client with good support, a huge variety of small sit and goes/tourneys for low amounts of money, some decent user interface and of course a huge load of people playing there.
some nice boni also are appreciated but not necessary.
gimme your recommendations and tell me something about the experiences you ve made so far.

thanks in advance

0,25 ct 45 players
0,25 ct 90 players
1,10 usd 18 players

My low amount favs. Stay away from the 10 ct 360, sux
I can´t play anywhere else than in entraction (former b2b), other softwares are so annoying, I like it simple.

And the tournaments are good there, at least for myself, not too big (max 500 players).

Thinking about playing actively again in winter.

Good 1st depo bonus on 24h,
triobet! :P when i've got nothing to do i play the freerolls there

tried it with playmoney months ago and its great but many rumors on the netz say, that you should keep your hands off it with real money, because their support is bullshit
pkr ftw =) atleast you have the poker feeling there , and not the feeling that ur playing Zelda or Pokemon
You get the feeling from shiny 3D flashy bashy -shit? :D
pkr is and will stay best poker client =) you can even read people more than usual clients
because of movements and voices

and ofc you get the feeling there , because it's more realistic , doh?
You use a webcam and mic to detect the acts? Or press a button when you get a bad card and it goes "glup"?

Couldn´t find anything about rb-deals, just some of that PKR-point skit and quite a lousy depot bonus, so pass...
rumors on the internet say its better to not touch pkr since it got shit support
hmm,... if you just play for fun with friends or randoms --> choose PKR (you can do /dance nd stuff), but PKR eats alot of memory nd battery... nd the graphics discract you from playing a good position game. For siriously moneyplay choose fulltilt! by far
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