OC 2nd league swap

We, Finland @alcohol.vol do not want to play 2nd league and are willing to swap it for 4th league. If anyone's interested, /q Cythonic @ #@alcohol.vol :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Seriously though, ask Jamzz1 or someone about it.
wat wer bissu denn
we play in 3rd league (group G) if you want swap with us : )
you wont even win 1 game in division 2
I dont think so
only if you download 6 bimbots

image: 162lur

+ another rape in delivery
I smell a big match in the 3rd division.

Poland phase vs Malta KillerBoy

Gonna be epic!

Plox 1000slots at least!
very big achievement for you that ur random team set time around 7mins on pcw 8D?

image: 28aiaup
image: 2ugdpbd

Have you told your parents about this? the bigger achievement for you in your poor life.Do the same during an official match.
First time you got highest damage? =)
with moronic weapons
Your mother does not complain
you call a time of 6.43 a rape? :x
Youd get rapd in Second Divsion. Sorry but thats a fact.
but always better than you and yours lowskills clans like enhanced or titanz

e: my revenge from 2nd division - http://www.gamestv.org/event/13328-myrevenge-e-v-et-germany-vs-team-overcome/
If this looks like a rape, I want to play in the highest league.
i still remember we destroying your teams with titanz while you always had the worst stats so stop acting like a lil ego fuck now just because some of your teammates rise your level from terrible to not so terrible

i agree that some teams are in the wrong divisions but you definately are in the right one

enhanced beat you last time

kids these days...
I lost vs titanz more than ONE YEAR AGO :D. 2-3 weeks ago they was raped easily on frostbite & sd by my team =).You are still alive in 2008, but unfortunately we have end of 2009 and little has changed:).I would show you the proof but unfortunately I do not collects demos against the weak teams.
Enhanced beat us? hahaha maybe in your dreams. nazi =)
Titant destroyed you when i played with them. Nuff said. I dont care how they play without me.

You seemed to be a nice dude back when i played with Titanz but apparently sucking up to your teammates has cause severe brain damage to you. I suggest you visit the nearest doctor for some medical advice. Proove yourself in div 3 and let a team more worth of the spot play in div 2 - if someone wants to swap.
when i said that my team is deserved to play in 2nd league? where? because I dont see... If some team want swap to lowest division than 2nd, so my team will be happy to use this opportunity, get it?
If you think you are good enough to swap you automatically imply you also deserve to play in that division. I could name at least 3 teams from division 3 that would do better in division 2 than you. And i only checked the teams from my group.
but they want? No? Your brain is too small to understand some things.
Noone asked them.
And the fact that you want to play in div 2 states enough about your brain.
true dat

we are one of the avarege teams in 2nd div imo but we rolled suffering hard
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Go to 5th div! fast fast!
Not interested in 3th. 4th max.
we can swap too #heartZ pm dESIRE|mikeh
gl gintonic !
[22:32:15] [zeroE`reshep]: can someone from your team pmme
[22:32:22] [zeroE`reshep]: please
[22:32:56] [Neekerintappaja]: free porn at www.lemonparty.org
[22:34:07] [Neekerintappaja]: did you have something to talk about?
[22:34:17] [zeroE`reshep]: someone from the team
[22:34:30] [Neekerintappaja]: i am
[22:34:39] [zeroE`reshep]: i dont see yuo oped
[22:34:49] [Neekerintappaja]: and?
[22:35:17] [Neekerintappaja]: it's a private channel, i don't give a shit about if i'm op there or not
[22:35:38] [Neekerintappaja]: you can say to me if you have something to ask
[22:36:12] ::: Part: (zeroE`reshep:#@alcohol.vol) ([email protected])

People please state your business.
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