Leaving ESL

When I joined the ESL-ET admin staff it was for a couple of reasons... I wanted the opportunity to get involved in European community because it's more active, & more organized with a much greater volume of participants. I wanted to learn as much as possible from a veteran staff about how things are done on the European side & to get to know a lot of the players & teams I've known about for a long time & have the opportunity interact with them.

However I did have ulterior motives & that was to be able to have the opportunity to work with ESL-America in the Wolfenstein division. After all I am American & the North American Wolfenstein community is & has always been my priority. Sadly it seems that will not come to fruition due to the fact that Wolfenstein is simply not the game we all expected or wanted. The few teams that made the switch appear to be switching back to ET or are simply waiting for other games to be released.

I have been offered a couple opportunities back across the pond & I feel like that is where I belong. Opportunities with old friends doing something with ET & opportunities with new friends with the possibility of doing something with upcoming games like Modern Warfare 2 & Brink.

I have enjoyed the opportunity to work with European community immensely. After trolling crossfire for a couple of years it's difficult to not develop a less than appealing image of a majority of the users but my time with ESL has given me the opportunity to interact with a lot of the teams & players & I have nothing but respect for the majority of them. A good portion of them truly are class acts & much different than what their crossfire persona would lead you to believe.

I have nothing but love for the ESL ET staff. They've been great & I'm thankful for the relationships I've built with them. Much love & respect for eiM who has to be one the hardest working guys in ET I've had the pleasure of meeting & working with. Much love for M1st3r for taking the time to teach me about ESL & it's procedures. I have nothing bad to say about ESL (except the website drives me nuts) & hope to leave the organization on good terms with friendships intact. This has been a difficult decision to make as I have been immensely proud to be a part of such a large organization known the world over but at the end of the day my loyalties to the North American community require a change.
wtf already :( too bad
i m cookie = kekz so please dont give me away. :)
What Scarzy said
Hope you're able to pull something off :)

I like the part about eiM though :D
another proof that the esl admin staff is a bunch of fags.
what a sad sad nerd story
all those & started to get annoying :&
But I totally agree with the
Quotenothing bad to say about ESL (except the website drives me nuts)
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