basically winning online isn't that hard if you just have that kind of nature that you wanna learn more every day and you can also criticize your own game if needed. even though winning these amounts of money you just obviously might have to do some more if you're not clearly a great talent straight away.
This. I'd say learning to beat lowstakes poker takes about as much time & practise, as it does to learn getting positive damagegiven/received on any random FPS publics... Your opponents will be noobs in both cases :)
Consistent winning at high stakes would be about as hard as "doing well on EuroCup level", I'd say =)
EDIT: And yeah this was a random tournament which depends on luck... Like playing a 1on1-panzerfaust-only-lastmanstanding 1-day cup (you have higher chance to win if you're more skilled, but yeah you get rolled by randoms pretty often)
just kidding <3 gz dude :)
Good job!
Edit: Becouse Im to low
5k ticket + 28k
graz if that doesnt impress you :)
in his 5m2 hut made of clay
please, you must be 8 or smth
Consistent winning at high stakes would be about as hard as "doing well on EuroCup level", I'd say =)
EDIT: And yeah this was a random tournament which depends on luck... Like playing a 1on1-panzerfaust-only-lastmanstanding 1-day cup (you have higher chance to win if you're more skilled, but yeah you get rolled by randoms pretty often)
But I like your style.
"Jos mä olisin sää mä harkitsisin vakavasti pokeri ammattilaisen uraa" cheek
Rolli satakaheksankyt tonnii btw
going to play the majors tonight?
lol rly nice one.. i might try playing with real money at such tournaments too :o
and whats that 50/50 strategy ? :DD