Quite a few people use it already - including several ET players, so perhaps it might come in useful for some of you guys on crossfire.nu :)

Installation: Click here

Last Updated: 30th September 2009

- Custom hud (fojji's) with custom yellow dot + black border crosshair, 2nd layer for LG/SG/PG by default as seen in below screenshot - edit binds in autoexec
- Scripts including volume and rocket jump
- Better projectile visuals + Thin LG (Please change weapon binds inside the autoexec for this to work effectively, not through the menu or just by simply "deleting them"
- Picmip 5 + other competitive cvars
- Team binds

Currently set for 1680x1050 @ 120hz (viewsonic vx2268wm)
- /r_mode 21 (/modelist)
- /r_displayrefresh 120

Screenshot: http://i34.tinypic.com/2vlo5eo.jpg

Enjoy.. :)

#1 My gay website
#2 Direct link to download
You just mixed stermy's cfg with fox's.

Edit: How did you manage to get such a tiny LG beam?
seta cg_lightningStyle "4"

Not sure which one he used, but screenshot looks like 4. If not check the cfg for that cvar :>
i've never bothered to look at stermys config so i can't imagine it's anything like it unless he uses mine, and i've used fox's volume script since q3.

For thin LG you need to use the modified cg_gun values along with the correct drawgun and LG beam values.
Btw, you should have truelightning at around 0.8 or 0.9 since the LG depends a lot on your ping.
It's better to add a little delay to the beam.
cg_smoothclients doesn't work properly anymore so just set it back to 0.
LG doesn't depend on ping atall in quake live, shoot at the model with below 70ping and it will register as a hitblip. It's nothing more than personal preference ^^
RJ script :X
Learn to play the game, noob.
- Scripts including volume and rocket jump

not legal.
hehe yes it is, it doesn't alter your mouse movement, it will only shoot + jump for you, quake used to have a bug with pressing mouse1+mouse2 on a razerdeathadder, mouse2 would lag so :)
not realy the real rocketjump script then. x-\
Well no, but you can't use that anymore anyway :) yaw/pitchspeed cvars are cheat protected
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