Wanna Buy a new Mobilephone


I need a new Mobile phone,
i saw this one in the Internet

Samsung S5230
Anyone got it ?
If you, YES YOU, got it post a comment or tell me which Mobile Phone i have to buy.

> Touchscreen
>"good Cam (3-5 Mega-Pixels)"
> Not More than 200 Euro
> Mp3-ABLE x'D


random Movilephone
black berry storm 9500 <33

image: RIM_blackberry_storm_9500
made me lol

blackberry .... plzzzzz
u can have this samsung phone for € 0,-- in austria atm
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I wish people would get off the whole touchscreen hype!
you really dont need new phone, if your old one is still ok to phone and to send msgs,

image: sonyericsson_T610
got it for like 7 years and its still working
t610? :D i had it too, much love <3
My old one isnt ok Cam doesnt take photos :D
nokia ngage 4life
iv heard thats a good phone and very popular cause its so cheap, i would love to get one of those
i am going to buy that same phone so would appreacite if you could say is it good or not? i don't want it to start acting weird after several months of use, like my "old" phone started now. :/ somehow can't receive calls, and time to time it shuts himself off. :D
got a lg viewty?
i have this black one

image: nokia_6555

i'm thinking that i don't really need that stuff like mp3 etc on phone but i like the outfit of that samsungs so.. can't decide :S buy or not? from nokia my experience is that when the guarantee is over the phone starts to show some weakening, don't know about other brands but i think new ones does that.. :D
i bought the samsung s8000 jet mobile at last friday...
its very nice buy this
Can get so much money :/
Nokia 6700 is a pretty nice phone for 200 euro, although it doesn't have touchscreen.
QuoteThe new feature on S5230 is the side scrollable home screen. This means you can have up to three different home screens on which to place various widgets on.

fuck yeah!!!!!
I hate when you have to put a link, cant you just simply do it liek this [img]uRL[./img][./hide] noobz
got samsung omnia 2 it's nice but i had 2 wait like 5 weeks for it :/
Nokia n97 or Blackberry curve/bold/storm
In order to help you.
I searched lot of phone models through Google.Finally i vote for Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II.It satisfied all of your requirements.If you are interested to buying this model,Go to E-bay and get a locked one.Because cost of the locked phone is cheaper than unlocked one.If it's locked to different network means,you will need to unlock it for compatible with your own network.If you need an unlocking service visit Theunlockarena.com Here you can unlock your phone at low cost.I hope my post is very useful to choose your phone model.
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