Server Host?

Where do u guys host ur servers? I would like to see how much the price and quality varies. So if u could add what kind of stuff u have ordered, price and link to hosts and maybe some info about quality,support etc etc. I don't need any info about ycn or since they are alrady familiar. Thanks

image: 1r50efimage: poems
Watch out... YCN-fanboyism incoming.
it sux like a vacuumcleaner
but vacuumcleaner feels nice with penis plugged in :))))))))))
haven't tried it tho, I'm not that desperate! :o/
Parent > *
don't know about support, but good ping and no packetloss.
they got servers in frankfurt, Germany, so good ping for both fins and mid-europeans
but how about kerkko? :DD germany is his weak spot (stable 148 ping) U have some server we could test?
yes, but this shall be the last time I help cheaters.. :)
pm irc: Uteoz
not nao kerkko is sleepah. u iz veri kaind person och mi nou xiit (muts)
autan sua vaan koska vedät hyvii trollei tääl välil, ei tarvi vakuutella ettet huijais.
en mä nii oo vakuutellukkaa sanoin vaa etten huijaa kovin paljoo
host your own servers, rent a dedicated server! :-)
im poor student and cant afford dedicated server :(. Otherwise i would do that
ycn is best atm with the current pblag.
Hahaha, i lolled at the last pic.
ask pansemuclLKKALLCL
bought 4 server at YCN Hosting... all lagging like hell in different locations
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