ESL Groups?


Since the signups for the ESL Fall cup closed yesterday, I was wonderiiiiiiiing:
Does any1 knows when the fuck the groups will be online?!

Thank you!


shoutouts to: FinlandBiitiiiiiiiii,Waleshagingerris,SurinamePHOTOSYNTHESIS,NetherlandsAdeto,NetherlandsSjefkeeeee,Netherlandsbawdabilder,Germanyph4zor,BelgiumNazteeeeh,EstoniaTaavI and if u want 1 too lemme know! <3
zomaar shoutout naar mij wtf
one more week till Fall cup groups will be online i think


Be aware this is only the ESL Major Series. The signups for the 1on1, 2on2, 3on3 and 6on6 Fall Season are still open for one more week! Check out this news for details.
waar is mijn shoutout
the groups will be online 1 day after as usual ;)
nooit :o thomas probeert mij dat aan te leren maar ik verzet me hevig!
do YOU have shit in your eyes? .....
where is my shoutout :(
Hai sexeh kaas ;O
das over EMS, dees is voor de boys die geen qualy hemme :p
and this sites search functionc sucks, tryed few times and never found that what i was looking for! :D
wil die zo graag met me meerijden krijg k niet eens een shooutout ;D
i agree with harris
The irony
retarded question is retarded
OMG stront in uw ogen?
stront in men hol ja
im sry, had some shit in my eyes :(
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