wolfenstein sp

Anyone finished sp?

I thought it was pretty bad, it was way too easy and too repetitive, whenever you walked back into a zone enemies were back at the exact same spot. I didn't see the use 1/2 of the weapons.

What did you think about it?
nah, got bored because i couldn't find the way lol, the compass lagged or smth (underground to another part of city going, it just fucking lagged) so i raged and didn't touch it again

had 4 stones or wahtever
i haven't even played it :<
wait for hannes to do a mod for it
I didn't and I'm still alive.
Well the scripted fight scenes were brilliant.
But yeah it was way to easy and repetitive.
Also with ~5h way to short.
On the other side the veil stuff was decent, specialy the "bullet time/slowing" thing.
To sum it up;

A decent fps game, but not really what i personaly was hoping for.
Fighting 3 times the same boss at the end was kinda cheap + no proper ending.
i thought it was pretty shit but after reading your journal i will state it was one of the best gaming experiences ive ever had just to contradict you and make you feel insecure.

what did you think about that?
u, sir, are awesome
I don't know...

See what I did? huhuhoiohiahhiaaoiooo
play it on hardcore?
I did finish it in hardest difficulty.
Played it today for the second time, got bored on first time when I died I just couldn´t get any motivation to continue. Today I just got bored.
played it until a fat spinder thing jumped out of the sky ... the whole part was so stupid and strange that i thougth the devs made a joke or something .. lost my motivation and uninstalled.
i found out pretty good, it was short tho
lol'd bout hans graf :D but itsa nice game
hmm some fightins were hard and i needed a 2nd or 3rd try. and ye didnt use half of the weapons too..

i never rly play any sp for a long time.. but in wolf i did.. so i think it wasnt that bad (but like all sp´s it gets boring after a while)
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