Hello there good people (and bad)

eSport-files is changing name to so during the week we will have a total make over.

If your new to this site, and never heard of it. It's proberly because it aint big and proberly never will be. But we got a large collection of configs, scripts, patches, guides and more for you to check out. We got loads of W:ET files and we hope to get more. Any cod players around?> Upload your files please.

This site is a hobby of mine and my mates Thijs (whose actually the owner) We do try to take the site serious, but we can't really spend so much time on it right now as he got school and I got work. Opinions and feedback is always welcome..

I hope you enjoy the site and come back for more. We are always ready to serve.

For help, questions, etctra check our dead forums and fill it with your spam and whine :) <3 - Filling up your gaming needs since 2006

Q): Do you accept any kind of "shit" files? (Disallowed cvars etctra.)
A): No, we check through every file for disallowed cvars.

Short history:

gamingfiles started off as the site etconfig in 2006 (etcfg) till Vendetta came and stole Thijs files and name. Vendetta named his/hers/it's site to " which just disappeared somehow after a while. etconifg (etcfg) makes a come back that sucked pretty much, but atleast a come back and named itself to - we started to support more games at the time.

Six months later - to a year we named ourself to esport-files and started to support a shitload of games, from W:ET to War§ow to Call of Duty - yupp all kind of games.

Now we are kinda stuck and without a crew, so if anyone feels like joining our crew and help us out.. just click Apply for Admin in your left upper corner.

Any help is appriciated and we really do need more moderators!

Head Admin
dont know why , but first i read gamesfister and i was like :|
like i said , dont know why but thx 4 info
yea i read it too when i checked "journals" haha funny
ROFL good joke

or wait

u talkin bout uhm raziels guide?
That can't be possible lol wouldnt suprise me if use a shit anti virus thats free, like avast or watever. Get kaspersky and re dl it and we'll see if theres a "virus"
Hmmm.. wierd i must say.. never come across a virus but oh well i didnt add the cod4 patches so.. :S cant be possible though, hope u aint bullshittin me now.. next time upload it to and check it there and give me the report if u come across with other shit ha :S terrible sorry if it so happened.
You have ET:QW under "Wolfenstein".

Guides, all guides related to Wolfenstein (ET, ET:QW, Return to castle wolfenstein, wolfenstein?) simple :)
ET:QW fits under Quake, imo.
maybe it should be sub catogorised under both quake and wolfenstein
Different engines.
Such nerdism.
Same engine as Quake 4, no?
Like my last? Excuse me sir?

Well, he must be batman then
I'll look into it.. but tomorrow gotta get up for work 5 am now.. so good night dear sir.. sleep tight aight, my bruda frum anutha muda
Thats kewl for him lol?
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