Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

image: Uncharted_2_updated_PS3_logo

Uncharted 2 picks up a couple of years after the events of Drake's Fortune. Similar to the previous story, Nathan Drake’s (voiced by Nolan North) new adventure revolves around an unsolved historical mystery – this time surrounding Marco Polo and his doomed voyage home from China in 1292. After spending almost 20 years in the court of the emperor Kublai Khan, Marco Polo departed with 14 ships and over 600 passengers and crew – but when he arrived at his destination a year and a half later, only one ship remained, and only 18 of the passengers had survived. Although Marco Polo described almost every other aspect of his journeys in minute detail, he never revealed what happened to the ships that were lost.

Just pre-ordered at a very inexpensive 45,40€, to say the least. What about you crossies, anyone care to share their fair (no pun intended) knowledge of the first part? Haven't played it though i recon it's a top game.

With GT5 and God Of War 3 being pushed out to god-knows-when release dates, I had to get something to keep the ps3 warm and running. UC2 is rumored to be, hands down, if not the best title ever, at least this years best game on the black box.

The release lies only 6 days away, and somehow i'm itching to get my hands on the game. As I wasn't impressed enough by the demo to get the first one, it's quite a surprise. Anyways, feel free to indulge yourself to the discussion and suggest other impressing titles to hit the market before christmas.

Loved playing the first game. It's comparable to Tombraider, except I'd say it's a bit more fast paced and less complicated puzzles.
Yeah was thinking of getting the first one later, guess these games are something no ps3 owner should miss.
Shouldn't be too expensive now.. Although the ps3 games don't really get cheap at all.
Have seen it around available for 36€ give or take. Being on the same price range as the other platinum games, and i recon there's quite a few? Plus i've seen some gameshops sell the hit games for ridiculous discounts, picked up LBP for 25€ new a while back, for example.
Paying 30 euro for a game which is ages old I think is pretty expensive. I don't really play games on it though, just use it to stream video & audio through.
Yeah console games have always been really expensive. But when you take a look at the time when ps1 came out, the games cost 60€, and that if nothing is pretty outrageous :D
£15 for first one on Play.com, Im tempted to buy it also
tomb raider has complicated puzzles?

When I was 12 I thought they were complicated =D
Nothing much, you? Still playing ET?
Not that much , once a week in a pub orso , u?
Did the first one have any kind of multiplayer mode? I haven't read that much about the second one's but there seems to be some sort of deadmatch 5v5, don't really think it'll be great. But worth a try, i guess!
looking forward to that game!!! will be one of the best in 2009 fo sure!


release 16th of oct
Yeah I agree. On a quick glance there seemed to be modes like CTF, CTF with a certain order to capture and some sort of last man standing. Wished the co-op would be there to play through the campaign, although im sure i'll get a hell out of it playing alone as well.
You can download the beta on PS3, its fucking awesome Game and will be buying it when its out.
Don't have PS3 but I wish it was also made for PC :<
dont have a ps tripppllll
Meh don't see why people are worshipping this game so much.
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