
I am playing aion atm and its fucking nice i think ;)
My class:
Spiritmaster lvl 18

Are you playing Aion? Which class? lvl?
What do you think about the game etc...??
going to buy it :D

but my friend plays, hes lvl 12 and ranger
shit, bullshit wow copy paste
shit, bullshit wow copy paste
much better than wow...
sure i played wow too... and aion is the better game :>... just play it and you wil see.. how you can judge about, if you didn't play ist?
I'm not judgeing it. I'm disagreeing. And who says I've never played Aion?
i have played aion -,-
is it for free?
i played it on a private server, it was fucking shit, and boring, its becuz of pserver or the game is a shit?
Problably because you played it on private server.
ya think soo too...
Level 20 Chanter on gorgos, so far so good :)
Friend of me does, he is nerding it 24/7, he wasnt in school for the last 3 days because of this game
hahhaha :DDD
most ppl i know are back to WoW since Aion is nothing more than a wannabe WoW clone as a grinder.
I really should start playing it soon, old WoW-guild mates waiting on me =D They playing on uhm chronos or so?
image: hihi

Im not amused.

its a boring shitgame ;d
Didnt think much of the beta tbh, so didnt buy it.
nerded the chinese beta 24/7 but it's kinda boring now ;[
Level 20 Gladiator on Gorgos
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