
Holy fuck, never expericenced anything so painful, in work tomorow, not going to go, need to wait 9 hours for emergency dentist. :(
Flush, think you might neeeeeeeeeed a nerve-treatment or whatever its called, take some aspirine and go to sleep nigga!
took two, took some herbal shit too no good
I had this shit aswell, was hurtin real bad and was like infected aswell, like swollen, hurt pretty bad, not sure if its the same though.
Just came without warning, and i brush 2 times a day!
cloves will ease the pain fly to a 24 hour tesco
hah lazy bolox
I had the same some months ago. The pain was so strong, that i couldnt get any sleep at night.So i spent the night in front of the PC googling some shit about it ;D Had to wait lke 8 hours for the emergency dentist. When i arrived it became even worse.They had to make a root canal treatment which did hurt so fucking much.....

The worst thing was that i had to go there 3 more times :( But the first time was definately the worst one.
im the exact same, sittin playin poker in front of my pc. i know im going to need root canal too :x because i cant identify which tooth it is
Yes, think so too :( I hope it isnt infected, cause i heard if it isnt then it wont hurt that much..

If u notice which tooth it is then try if it reacts on ice. If not then its dieing and u will know for sure, that u need a root canal treatment. usually it should begin to hurt if u hold a piece ice on a tooth. Try it out.
the left side of my mouth has been sensitivie for months, still dont know what tooth it is..
hmm its not about sensitivity. One of them shouldnt react anymore. Just hold it for liek 3 secs. If it hurts then its the WRONG one :)
oh man im fucked
take antibiotics :D (however u spell that) :D
took 2, no good
hmm u can try to do this > boil some water , then pour it inside some bottle , put a towel around the bottle and hold the bottle on that side of the mouth which hurts .... wont completly take the pain away but it should help a bit ...when i had epic pain in my tooth i just put that warm bottle on my pillow , my head on top of it and it took enough pain away for me to fall asleep :D
im with u :/ i know what pain that is! well im off for now, gl !
shit happends if you don't brush your teeth.
i always brush
awh, good boy
7 visits and 250€ later for the same prob...

Better find it and rip the bastard oot with a pair of plyers :D
Ye that doesn't damage the already hurting nerve at all.
Take a couple lines of Ket, u wont feel a thing lol.
Or rub some coke on it.
*pokes gums with a toothpick*
I had the same around January, the pain was unbearable :[
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