Wolfenstein JAH!

should i order it? have enough money.

i wanna know if its like a game you buy.. play alot and then after 1 month never play it again?!?! had the same with 'Splinter Cell'

http://www.bol.com/nl/p/games/wolfenstein/1004004006735158/index.html (dutch site)

or maybe some1 knows some really cool new (or old) game i should buy instead?

Isnt it dead yet ?
Nope. Around 10 clans still play it.
When a game is dead it doesn't necessarily mean no one plays it. ET is as good as dead but still a few hundred clans play it.

5 years ago they said ET was dead

now, 5 years later, they keep saying it
I can smell the wrongness
for me multiplayer is dead when there are no clans and cups left
u should buy it, its very popular so there is lot of tournaments and fucking many publics full all the time :]
definitely, they don't praise it the best FPS in a decade for nothing
just buy wow
buy it for the singleplayer but dont bother to open the multiplayer ;)
download it for the singleplayer dont bother if download doesn't contain MP.
It's a great game, there are loads of people who play it online, cause that's the best part!
wanna buy my copy?

i live in NL too, so i could mail it

you can have it for half the price :]
ET > Quake Live > Wolf

e: forgot runescape ofc

RS > *
dont buy it .... monotone + most boring boss fights ever in a game ...
the mp is even worse , i would rather give my money to some random polish hobo.
better spend this money on online betting
I'd rather pay 100e for wolf3d than a penny for wolfenstein

btw, you made me think of diablo2 with your title
you better buy TF2 , I need a team in this fucking funny game !
save your money for MW2, singleplayer will be 10000000 times better and mp will be around 9999^9976989^990009^99999^9994413999^9013^9966699 times better

even non-existing multiplayer in, for example, minesweeper is much better than the one in wolfenstein =>

At any time there is about 5 full servers total. Avoid. more people play on cracked servers than legit.
best game ever
but its dead already
you can buy my key for 35€
can buy my key and disc if you like or swap for cod4
i got wolf key, gimme a decent offer and its urs
save ur money for CoD:MW2
wolf would be a great game if :

A few changes were made ,and enforced into all servers ( promod is only known by certain amout of people)

We all had stronger PC's to pull those 76 fps stable....
I really like it as it is but only noobs are playing atm
tomorrow is 11.10.09. does that ring a bell?
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