weirdest 3 minutes EVER.


my mate came over last night, pulled out this little tube of shit, said "you gotta try this" , i said "do i fuck you nutter", but i did anyway cos im a greedy bastard and thought, hey, hes still alive isnt he....


put a tiny bit in his ganja pipe, lit it up, and hey presto, total mayhem , like nothing ive ever experienced in my long and fantastic life! lasted about 3 minutes, of which i tripped, felt like id had 5 E, smoked a half pound of grass and took 8 grammes of coke in one go.


dont do drugs kids. even legal herb ones. theyre evil.

you can buy this shit legally as its a herb , id never heard of it, mibbe some of you more cosmopolitan guys have?
you are cool
12:04 @TheoDor • splth` what do you think of
12:04 @TheoDor •
12:04 @TheoDor •
12:04 @TheoDor • : D
Meh, not my cup of tea :P
slob on my knob you queer !
fat fugly bitch
google is your friend.

disclaimer* im recommending you dont do it, drugs are evil and awfull things and are definately NOT cool in any way.

you only live once

live fast, die young :D
Quotelive fast, die young :D

that's one of the most retarded things I've ever heard or read, why don't you go sit in a car and drive to a wall at 150 km/h, you'll live fast and die young
danL has spoken
just like James Dean
btw guys, kev took his profile pic when he was on this shit :D
lies. theres no way i could have held a camera after that shit....
"weirdest 3 minutes EVER."

"my mate came over last night"

Thought you lasted longer than that Kevlar...
haha. cmon sol. 3 minutes is double my best time. id have done the deed, made a cup of tea and a sandwich by the 3 minute mark.... ive given many ladies the best 27 seconds of their lives.
kevlar....what would your mother think.
she was holding the lighter!
salvia is rather known nowadays, surprises me u never heard of it before^^
and i agree with u on ur disclaimer, noone should ever try this shit. eventhough it doesn`t last for a long time, like LSD or magic mushrooms (dont try this aswell!)
btw 8 gramms of coke in one go would be instant death :DD
Well, you should always prepare yourself good enough when doing drugs and search out what kind of stuff you're using. I wouldn't use salvia for sure though!
haha kev i had this when i was about 19 and it makes you trips intensley for about 5 mins..good stuff and its totally legal
Except for countrys as: Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Japan, Spain, and Sweden
pff , all it does is killing brain cells

hf !

I'll stay clean !
heard about it, never had it. Heard some stories about it, apperently the trip can be so intense you kinda freak out. But don't advocate drugs, they're bad mmmmmmmkay! :D
dont do drugs kids. even legal herb ones. theyre evil.
Its like XXX, they sell it in the hemp shops here, its a spliff, looks like weed, tastes a bit like it too, gets you fucking monged, its salvia to afaik, its like been on mushrooms and being stoned
Tried it aswell, never again, fuckin nightmarish
they aren't legal in Germany anymore
like that spice stuff...
Totaly brainfucked some ppl. If you do this on a regular basis you can get depressions and stuff from all those herb shit
tried it once my boss has been a 20 stone glaswegian growler ever since, karma :<
Is that the stuff you were on when you put Ice in the Bio rotation?

illegal in poland since few months, fun stuff =d

6h of shrooms in 10 minutes xdd
i had this happen to me when i sucked on a ladyboys nob end :O
hahahaha. bbrreeezzzyyyy! you old boy pumping fucka! i knew it would only be a matter of time till you admitted that :P:P:P
waste of money. most ppl dont rly trip, ur a lucky guy.
"most ppl dont rly trip"

most of ppl are 2 dumb to notice that they are smoking leaf not an extract
you could also boil terpentine and breath in the oozes, ace trip guaranteed,

heh me and my 2 mates tried the 25x and needless to say we were fucking gone.

I was sat on my chair facing my two mates who were sat at either end of my bed (like a triangle)

My first mate took it (dan) and it took about 30 seconds to kick in, my friend said he saw my ceiling open up like an earthquake was tearing it apart. He then said everything else in the room was on railway-like tracks and started moving.

My second mate took it (craig) and then I took it in quick succession..

So my mate dan is still pretty fucked up from what he saw and me and my m8 craig are both just looking at each other saying - "Well?" "Feel Anything?"

and then craig started getting all angry cuz i stopped replying to him, for me it just felt like I was being pulled to the left side of the room... some magical force was making me moved (and no my chair wasnt spinning) all my jaw and face just felt all distorted and as if it was being pulled/pushed.

Me and craig then started argueing like fuck cuz his trip was obviously to be an absolute cunt.

We then all walked down the shops in the rain and cooled off :P

I'll never do it again, mainly because it tastes fucking disguisting. Stick to weed bredrin.
hahaah they sell this in town its legal, haven't tried it yet but one of my mates did and he thought he was on a bus hilarious!
Had this shit before.

Those fucking legal highs are FUCKING MENTAL! Sometimes I think they made the wrong herb illegal.

The legal ones fuck you up something awful.

I've never whitied on ganja, but after I had a cone of that Kryptonite shite from STUFF (outside Glasgow Central), I spewed like a jakey.
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